As used in this subchapter, “labor” means work or service performed by a person employed for a period of time for which the wages or salary or remuneration for the work or services is to be paid at stated intervals or at the termination of the employment or for physical work actually performed by an […]
This subchapter is a substitute for Acts 1923, No. 380, but apart from that act is cumulative in its effect and shall not be so construed as to nullify or repeal the laws now existing with regard to liens.
(a) Upon application of either employer or employee, the Director of the Division of Labor or any person authorized by the director shall have authority to inquire into, hear, and decide disputes arising from wages earned and shall allow or reject any deduction from wages. (b) Upon motion of either employer or employee, the amount […]
(a) If either employer or employee shall fail or refuse to accept the findings of the Director of the Division of Labor, then either shall have the right to proceed at law as provided. (b) If the claim is meritorious, and if within the discretion of the director the claimant’s lack of financial ability entitles […]
(a) In all cases where the claimant is entitled to a laborer’s lien or a lien on a thing or property worked on, the lien may be enforced as otherwise provided for by law, except that where a sheriff or constable is authorized to take charge of property subject to a lien claim and hold […]
The Director of the Division of Labor or any person designated by him or her shall not charge or be permitted to accept any fees or remuneration whatsoever from any person for the performance of any duties under this subchapter.