The organized militia shall be privileged from arrest during their attendance at muster and attendance at drills and in going to and returning from attendance at muster and drills in all cases except treason, felony, and breach of the peace.
No person belonging to the organized militia shall be served with any civil process while going to, remaining at, or returning from any place at which he or she may be required to attend for military duty.
(a) Members of the militia ordered into the active service of the state by any proper authority shall not be civilly or criminally liable for any act or acts done by them in the performance of their duty. (b) (1) When an action or proceeding of any nature shall be commenced in any court by […]
(a) No physician, dentist, nurse, pharmacist, or paramedical or other supporting personnel, including medical and dental technicians, nursing assistants, and therapists, of the National Guard shall be liable for damages for personal injury, including death caused by negligence or wrongful acts or omission of any such physician, dentist, nurse, pharmacist, or paramedical or other supporting […]
(a) All lawsuits pending in any court of this state in which any attorney for either party or any party is a member of the reserve components of the armed forces and who has been ordered to a period of active duty in the armed forces of the State of Arkansas or of the United […]
The military forces of the organized militia with official insignia displayed, while on authorized duty, shall not be restricted by municipal traffic regulations. They shall have the right of way on any street or highway through which they may pass against all, except carriers of the United States mail, fire engines, police vehicles, and hospital […]
All others who shall hinder, delay, or obstruct any unit or portion of the organized militia wherever parading or performing any military duty, or who shall attempt to do so, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not less than fifty dollars ($50.00).
Any person belonging to the organized militia shall, together with the conveyance in his or her charge and property of the state in his or her charge, be allowed to pass free through all tollgates and over all ferries if he or she is in uniform or presents an order for duty or certificate of […]
(a) In lieu of state and city automobile tags, each active member of the Arkansas Army National Guard and the Air National Guard shall be required to affix to their respective automobile or pick-up truck, if used as personal conveyance and not used for commercial purposes, a regulation tag to be supplied by the Adjutant […]
(a) Any resident of the State of Arkansas who was in or called to military or naval service in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Merchant Marine Corps, Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps, Women’s Auxiliary Volunteer for Emergency Service, Nurses, and all other branches of the armed forces of the United States during World War […]
(a) Any person who interrupts, molests, or insults by abusive words or behavior, or obstructs any officer or soldier of the organized militia while on duty, either at parade, drill meeting for military improvement, or other military duty may be immediately put and kept under guard by the officer in command until the duty is […]
(a) A person who is called to active state duty as a member of the armed forces of this state or any other state, including without limitation the National Guard, a reserve component of the armed forces, or the militia, is afforded such employment and reemployment rights, privileges, benefits, and protections in employment as though […]
(a) A member of the National Guard or reserve component of the United States Armed Forces who is a resident of this state and who is ordered to active duty or state active duty to a duty station located outside of this state shall be allowed an extension for: (1) Renewing a state: (A) License; […]