(a) As used in this subchapter, the terms “state publication” and “local publication” shall include any document issued or printed by any state agency or local government which may be released for distribution, but these terms do not include: (1) The bound volumes of the printed acts of each of the sessions of the General […]
(a) (1) Nothing in this subchapter shall repeal, alter, or change the duties and responsibilities of the Secretary of State to maintain a library of official books, records, and documents under the provisions of § 13-2-301 et seq. and other laws of this state which impose specific duties upon the Secretary of State. (2) The […]
(a) There is created and established within the Department of Education a division to be known as the Arkansas State Library. (b) The library shall function within the Department of Education in the same manner as provided by agencies transferred pursuant to a cabinet-level transfer under § 25-43-105 and which shall be adequately funded and […]
(a) The Arkansas State Library shall be headed by the State Librarian, to be appointed by the State Library Board, in consultation with the Secretary of the Department of Education. The State Librarian shall serve for such time and for such terms as the board may prescribe. (b) The State Librarian shall be a person […]
(a) There is created the State Library Board. (b) (1) The board shall consist of seven (7) members, to be appointed by the Governor subject to confirmation by the Senate. (2) The members of the board shall be appointed by the Governor for reasons of their interest in libraries and in statewide library development. (3) […]
(a) The State Library Board shall meet at such place or places and shall keep such records as it may deem appropriate. (b) The board shall select annually a chair and any other officers as it deems necessary. (c) The board shall adopt policies and bylaws governing its meetings, the conduct of its business, and […]
Within the limitations of facilities and funds provided for the Arkansas State Library, the library shall: (1) Acquire books and other library materials by purchase, exchange, gift, grant, or donation and catalog and maintain those books and materials and make them available for reference and research use of the public and the public officials and […]
(a) The Arkansas State Library shall cooperate with the public and private libraries in the State of Arkansas and may enter into necessary agreements with libraries in other states and the Library of Congress for the sharing of library books, documents, facilities, or services under such terms and conditions as the State Library Board shall […]
(a) The Arkansas State Library, acting through the State Library Board, is authorized to enter into necessary agreements with the Arkansas State Archives, with respect to an overall plan and design to assure that the functions and materials of the library and the Arkansas State Archives may be convenient to the public and public officials […]
The Arkansas State Library shall serve as the state’s regional depository library for federal documents and shall become the official depository for state and local documents.
(a) The Arkansas State Library may enter into depository agreements with any city, county, district, regional, town, school, college, or university library in this state. (b) The Arkansas State Library shall establish standards for eligibility as a depository library under this section, § 13-2-210, and §§ 13-2-212 — 13-2-214. The standards may include and take […]
(a) The Arkansas State Library shall create and maintain a State and Local Government Publications Clearinghouse. (b) The Arkansas State Library shall make such rules as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of the clearinghouse. (c) (1) All state agencies, including the General Assembly and its committees, constitutional officers, any department, division, bureau, […]
(a) If sufficient funds are available, each state and local agency printing or duplicating publications of the type which are to be made available to the State and Local Government Publications Clearinghouse shall print or duplicate fifty (50) additional copies or a lesser number as may be requested by the Arkansas State Library, for deposit […]
(a) The Arkansas State Library is authorized to enter into contracts or agreements with the Mullins Library of the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville and the library of each of the state-supported institutions of higher learning in this state to provide through the State and Local Government Publications Clearinghouse any of the clearinghouse, exchange, depository, […]