§ 13-8-101. Title
This subchapter shall be known as the Arkansas State Arts Act of 1971.
This subchapter shall be known as the Arkansas State Arts Act of 1971.
As used in this subchapter: (1) “Agency” means the Arkansas Arts Council established in this subchapter. The agency shall include the advisory council and the position of executive director as established in this subchapter; (2) “Arts” includes, but is not limited to: (A) Instrumental and vocal music; (B) Dance; (C) Drama; (D) Painting; (E) Sculpture; […]
(a) There is established the Arkansas Arts Council under the laws of the State of Arkansas and under the jurisdiction and supervision of the Division of Arkansas Heritage. (b) (1) The Arkansas Arts Council shall consist of an advisory council and a director. (2) The Advisory Council of the Arkansas Arts Council shall develop and […]
(a) (1) The Advisory Council of the Arkansas Arts Council shall consist of seventeen (17) members appointed by the Governor and selected by reason of their widely recognized knowledge and interest in the arts. (2) Two (2) members shall be selected from each of the eight (8) planning and development districts of the State of […]
(a) The Director of the Arkansas Arts Council shall: (1) Be the ex officio secretary of the Advisory Council of the Arkansas Arts Council but shall have no vote on matters coming before the Arkansas Arts Council; (2) Shall be an employee of the Department of Parks, Heritage, and Tourism; and (3) Shall be employed […]
(a) (1) The Arkansas Arts Council shall be the official agency of the State of Arkansas for the development and coordination of a comprehensive statewide program for the arts. (2) In general, but not by way of limitation, the Advisory Council of the Arkansas Arts Council shall have and exercise the following powers and duties: […]