The Southern States Energy Compact is hereby enacted into law and entered into by this State with any and all states legally joining therein in accordance with its terms, in the form substantially as follows: SOUTHERN STATES ENERGY COMPACT ARTICLE I Policy and Purpose The party states recognize that the proper employment and conservation of […]
(a) The three (3) Arkansas members on the Southern States Energy Board shall be selected as follows: (1) The Governor shall be ex officio a member of the board, or the Governor, at his or her discretion, may name some other resident elector of this state to serve on the board in his or her […]
(a) Any supplementary agreement entered into pursuant to Article VI of the Southern States Energy Compact, § 15-10-401, and requiring the expenditure of funds or the assumption of an obligation to expend funds shall not become effective as to this state prior to the making of an appropriation for it by the General Assembly. (b) […]
All officers, departments, agencies, and institutions of this state and of its political subdivisions are authorized to cooperate with the Southern States Energy Board in the furtherance of any of its activities pursuant to the Southern States Energy Compact, § 15-10-401.