§ 15-4-3701. Title
This subchapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Arkansas Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act”.
This subchapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Arkansas Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act”.
The purpose of this subchapter is to outline a workforce development plan for Arkansas and to comply with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Pub. L. No. 113-128, by increasing access for Arkansans, particularly those individuals with barriers to employment, to opportunities for employment, education, training, and the support services they need to succeed in […]
As used in this subchapter: (1) (A) “Chief elected official” means the chief elected executive officer of a unit of general local government in a local workforce development area. (B) If a local workforce development area includes more than one (1) unit of general local government, the chief elected officials of each unit shall execute […]
(a) The Arkansas Workforce Development Board is created. (b) The Arkansas Workforce Development Board shall consist of: (1) The Governor; (2) The following members to be appointed by the Governor, subject to confirmation by the Senate: (A) Members constituting a majority of the Arkansas Workforce Development Board who are representatives of businesses in Arkansas and […]
(a) (1) To comply with the requirements and responsibilities assigned under this subchapter, the Arkansas Workforce Development Board shall select from its membership an executive committee to be composed of at least nine (9) members but no more than eleven (11) members. (2) The Chair of the Arkansas Workforce Development Board and the Vice Chair […]
The Arkansas Workforce Development Board shall assist the Governor and the Secretary of the Department of Commerce in: (1) The development, implementation, and modification of the state workforce development plan; (2) The review of statewide policies, of statewide programs, and of recommendations on actions that should be taken by the state to align state workforce […]
(a) By March 3, 2016, the Governor shall submit to the United States Department of Labor and other approval authorities, as appropriate, a state plan outlining the state’s four-year strategy for the core programs of the state under this subchapter. (b) The state plan shall be a unified plan addressing services available through all core […]
(a) No later than July 1, 2015, the Governor shall designate local workforce development areas within the state: (1) Through consultation with the Arkansas Workforce Development Board; and (2) After consultation with chief elected officials and local workforce development boards and after consideration of comments received through the public comment process. (b) In making the […]
(a) There shall be established by July 1, 2015, and certified by the Governor, a local workforce development board in each local workforce development area to carry out the functions described in § 15-4-3711. (b) The Governor, in partnership with the Arkansas Workforce Development Board, shall establish criteria for use by chief elected officials in […]
(a) One (1) time every two (2) years, the Governor shall certify one (1) local workforce development board for each local workforce development area in the state. (b) The certification under this section shall be based on criteria established under § 15-4-3709, and for a second or subsequent certification, the extent to which the local […]
(a) The functions of a local workforce development board include: (1) (A) Developing and submitting a local workforce development plan to the Governor that meets the requirements in § 15-4-3713. (B) If the local workforce development area is part of a planning region that includes other local workforce development areas, the local workforce development board […]
(a) (1) The local workforce development board shall designate and direct the activities of standing committees to provide information and to assist the local workforce development board in carrying out activities under this subchapter. (2) A standing committee shall be: (A) Chaired by a member of the local workforce development board; (B) May include other […]
(a) (1) Each local workforce development board shall develop and submit to the Governor a comprehensive four-year local workforce development plan, in partnership with the chief elected official. (2) The local workforce development board shall support the strategy described in the state workforce development plan and be consistent with the state workforce development plan. (3) […]
(a) No later than June 30, 2016, the Arkansas Workforce Development Board shall identify regions in the state after consultation with the local workforce development boards and chief elected officials in the local workforce development areas. (b) The Arkansas Workforce Development Board shall identify: (1) Which regions comprise one (1) local workforce development area that […]