(a) There is created an appraisal board in each county of this state composed of the game warden of that county and two (2) farmers who are landowners in the county appointed by the county judge and county agent. (b) It shall be the duty of the appraisal board to investigate and determine the amount […]
(a) The entire State of Arkansas is designated, and shall constitute, a sanctuary for wild fowl of all species except black birds, crows, and starlings. No person shall catch, kill, injure, pursue, or have in his or her possession, either dead or alive, or purchase, expose for sale, transport, or ship to a point within […]
(a) The entire areas embraced within the limits of any and all state parks of this state are designated and established as bird sanctuaries. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to trap, hunt, shoot, or attempt to shoot or molest in any manner any bird or wild fowl or to rob birds’ nests […]