(a) The General Assembly declares that it is the public policy of the State of Arkansas to promote sound management, conservation, and public awareness of Arkansas’ rich diversity of native plants and nongame animals. Many of these species, subspecies, or populations of animals and plants are rare, threatened, endangered or are of special significance to […]
(a) The Nongame Preservation Committee will consist of five (5) members and will include the following representatives: (1) The Director of the Arkansas State Game and Fish Commission; (2) The Director of the State Parks Division; and (3) The Director of the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission. (b) The remaining two (2) members shall: (1) Be […]
(a) All moneys contributed for Nongame Preservation Program purposes pursuant to the state income tax refund check-off system authorized by this subchapter and § 26-51-434 [repealed] and the interest earned thereon shall be expended for the purpose of protecting, preserving, and restoring the nongame resources of this state, and shall include such activities as the […]
(a) When the purchase of lands by state agencies is considered as an appropriate strategy for the protection of certain nongame species, the lands considered shall be restricted to: (1) Natural communities, both terrestrial and aquatic, that exhibit the highest degree of integrity and least evidence of disturbance; and (2) Habitats of Arkansas’ rarest and […]
All balances in the Nongame Preservation Program shall be carried forward each year so that no part thereof shall revert to the General Fund of this state.
The incremental costs of administration of the contributions, not to exceed five percent (5%) of the fund during the first fiscal year of the program and not to exceed one percent (1%) of the fund for each year after that, shall be transferred out of the fund provided in §§ 15-45-303 and 15-45-304, upon certification […]