(a) All advertising materials proposed for use or used in this state by a person with the offer or sale of a time-share property are subject to the review of the Arkansas Real Estate Commission upon its request. (b) Advertising materials include: (1) Promotional brochures, pamphlets, advertisements, or other materials to be distributed to the […]
(a) It is unlawful for a person with intent, directly or indirectly, to offer for sale or sell time-shares in this state or to authorize, use, direct, or aid in the publication, distribution, or circulation of an advertisement, radio broadcast, telecast, or other electronic media concerning the time-share plan in which the time-share properties are […]
An advertisement for the offer or sale of time-shares shall not: (1) Contain a representation concerning the availability of a resale program or rental program offered by or on behalf of the developer or its affiliate unless the resale program or rental program has been made a part of the offering and submitted to the […]
(a) It is unlawful for a person to offer by mail, telephone, electronic media, or in person a prize or gift, with the intent to offer a sales presentation for a time-share plan, without also disclosing in a clear and unequivocal way that there will be a sales presentation when making the offer of the […]
If the Arkansas Real Estate Commission determines that a person is violating or failing to comply with the requirements of this subchapter, the commission may order the person to cease and desist from the violations and may take enforcement action under § 18-14-201 et seq.