(a) The right and power of eminent domain is conferred upon municipal corporations to enter upon, take, and condemn private property for the construction of wharves, levees, parks, squares, market places, or other lawful purposes. (b) (1) For waterworks systems, it shall be no objection to the exercise of power that the property to be […]
(a) There shall be included in the award of compensation and damages for taking land occupied by a cemetery the reasonable cost of a new site of at least equal size. The new site shall be approved by the State Board of Health and also by the circuit court in which the condemnation proceedings are […]
(a) (1) When it shall be deemed necessary by any municipal corporation to enter upon or take private property for a permitted purpose, an application in writing shall be made to the circuit court of the proper county, or the judge thereof in vacation, describing as correctly as may be the property to be taken, […]
(a) If it appears to the court or judge that notice has been served ten (10) days before the time of application, or has been published as provided, and that the notice is reasonably specific and certain, then the court or judge may set a time for the inquiry into and assessment of compensation by […]
(a) The assessment shall be made on each lot or parcel of land separately and distributed to the owner of each tract, according to their true interest and ownership, on the order of the court. (b) (1) In case of dispute as to interest, title, or ownership, the money allowed therefor shall be held subject […]
(a) The jury shall be sworn to make the whole inquiry and assessment but may be allowed to return a verdict, as to part, and be discharged as to the rest, at the discretion of the court. (b) In case the jury shall be discharged from rendering a judgment in whole or in part, another […]
(a) As soon as the amount of compensation that may be due to the owners of the property taken, or to any of them, shall have been ascertained by the jury, the court shall make such order as to its payment or deposit as shall be deemed right and proper in respect to the time […]
(a) In the event of the condemnation by a competent authority, for any public use or purpose, of all or substantially all of any land, buildings, or facilities acquired or constructed in whole or in part with the proceeds of revenue bonds issued under the provisions of the Municipalities and Counties Industrial Development Revenue Bond […]
(a) In addition to the purposes for which municipalities are now authorized to exercise the power of eminent domain, cities of the first class and cities of the second class are authorized to exercise such power for the purpose of acquiring real property or interests in real property necessary for the construction, operation, repair, or […]