There shall be a lien on the railroad for the labor, materials, machinery, fixtures, board, provisions, supplies, loss, damage, and services upon the roadbed, buildings, equipment, income, franchise, right-of-way, and all other appurtenances of the railroad for: (1) Every mechanic, contractor, subcontractor, builder, artisan, workman, laborer, or other person who shall do or perform any […]
A lien created under § 18-44-401 shall be superior and paramount to that of all persons interested in the railroad as managers, lessees, mortgagees, trustees, beneficiaries under trusts, or owners, whether prior in time or not.
The lien mentioned in § 18-44-401 shall not be effectual unless suit is brought upon the claim or unless the claim is filed by order of court with the receiver of the railroad within one (1) year after the claim has accrued.
The lien shall be mentioned in the judgment rendered for claimant in the ordinary suit for the claim, or in any order of court allowing such claim as a just charge against any railroad in the hands of a receiver.
The lien may be enforced by ordinary levy and sale under final or other process at law or equity.