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§ 20-12-401. Title

This subchapter shall be known as the “Rural Health Services Revolving Fund Act”.

§ 20-12-402. Duties

(a) It shall be the responsibility of the Department of Health to promulgate all rules for making application for the matching funds required by this subchapter. (b) It shall be further the responsibility of the department to review all applications and approve those that shall be eligible for moneys under the provisions of this subchapter […]

§ 20-12-403. Creation

There is established on the books of the Treasurer of State, the Auditor of State, and the Chief Fiscal Officer of the State, a fund to be known as the “Rural Health Services Revolving Fund”.

§ 20-12-404. Matching

(a) (1) Funds requested by authority of this subchapter shall be matched on a cash basis of fifty to fifty (50:50) by the applicant. (2) Applicants who have completed a community health needs assessment shall be eligible to match funds requested by authority of this subchapter on a cash basis of twenty-five to seventy-five (25:75) […]