§ 20-13-601. Title
This subchapter shall be known and cited as the “Nerve Agents Emergency Treatment Act”.
This subchapter shall be known and cited as the “Nerve Agents Emergency Treatment Act”.
It is the purpose of this subchapter to provide a means of authorizing certain individuals to administer treatment to those persons who have severe adverse reactions to nerve agents when a physician is not immediately available.
As used in this subchapter, “physician” means a natural person licensed to practice medicine in the State of Arkansas pursuant to the Arkansas Medical Practices Act, § 17-95-201 et seq., § 17-95-301 et seq., and § 17-95-401 et seq.
Persons eligible to receive a certificate pursuant to this subchapter shall meet the following requirements: (1) Be eighteen (18) years of age or older; (2) Have, or reasonably expect to have, responsibility for at least one (1) other person as a result of one’s relationship, or one’s occupational or volunteer status, for example, emergency medical […]
(a) A certificate issued pursuant to this subchapter shall authorize the holder thereof to receive upon presentation of the certificate, from any physician, a prescription for premeasured doses of atropine/pralidoxime, or other drugs as approved by the State Health Officer for the treatment of symptoms caused by exposure to nerve agents, and the necessary paraphernalia […]
No cause of action shall arise against a certificate holder pursuant to this subchapter or against the issuing physician for any act or omission when acting in good faith pursuant to the authority granted by this subchapter, except when the conduct amounts to gross negligence.
(a) The Department of Health shall prepare the appropriate certificate form to be available to physicians upon request to accomplish the purposes of this subchapter. (b) A copy of all certificates issued pursuant to this subchapter shall be forwarded by the issuing physician to the department to be maintained on file and subject to public […]