(a) The Arkansas Reproductive Health Monitoring System is established and is to be administered within Arkansas Children’s Hospital. (b) The purpose of the system is to collect and analyze data from a number of sources to describe trends in the occurrence of reproductive endpoints, including without limitation congenital anomalies, fetal deaths, stillbirths, and premature births, […]
As used in this subchapter, “commission” means the advisory commission established in § 20-16-203.
(a) The Arkansas Reproductive Health Monitoring System shall be administered with the advice of an advisory commission appointed to one-year renewable terms by the Medical Director of the Arkansas Reproductive Health Monitoring System. (b) The functions of the commission are to: (1) Advise the Medical Director of the Arkansas Reproductive Health Monitoring System as to […]
(a) The Arkansas Reproductive Health Monitoring System shall be administered by a medical director appointed by the Medical Director of Arkansas Children’s Hospital from among the professional staff of Arkansas Children’s Hospital. (b) The Medical Director of the Arkansas Reproductive Health Monitoring System shall: (1) Supervise the work of the system and administer the budget; […]
(a) The Arkansas Reproductive Health Monitoring System is expressly authorized to contract for the production of any information which the Medical Director of the Arkansas Reproductive Health Monitoring System determines to be relevant to monitoring reproductive health. (b) Information shared under this section includes, but is not limited to, information identified by name or other […]
The Arkansas Reproductive Health Monitoring System is expressly exempted and prohibited from supplying any information by individual name or other personal identifier or in a form other than a statistical report or other appropriate form which protects the confidentiality of individuals except to any state agency or department which originally supplied the information to the […]
All hospitals with patient records containing information pertaining to reproduction and development are required to share information in those records with the Arkansas Reproductive Health Monitoring System.
(a) Any physician, clinic, person, or organization may provide information relative to reproductive health to the Arkansas Reproductive Health Monitoring System. (b) No liability of any kind for damages or other relief shall arise or be enforced against any person or organization for having provided the information or for having released or published the findings […]
The Arkansas Reproductive Health Monitoring System shall have the power to enter into agreements with other states and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention consistent with the requirements and restrictions of this subchapter in order to obtain relevant information for the system concerning Arkansas residents who receive health-related services outside the state.
(a) The Arkansas Reproductive Health Monitoring System shall have the power to receive and expend grants, donations, and funds from public and private sources to carry out its responsibilities under this subchapter. (b) Arkansas Children’s Hospital is not required to implement this system unless sufficient funds are available as determined by the Medical Director of […]
The Arkansas Reproductive Health Monitoring System shall periodically prepare reports of its findings for dissemination to appropriate agencies and interested persons.
The Arkansas Reproductive Health Monitoring System is expressly prohibited from rendering patient care, promulgating any rule or regulation, or engaging in any regulatory activity.
(a) Persons other than the state or Arkansas Reproductive Health Monitoring System shall not acquire any actionable right by virtue of this subchapter. (b) A determination by the system that a source is suspected of causing adverse reproductive health outcomes shall not create by reason thereof any presumption of law or finding of a fact […]