All cemeteries now existing in the state shall be registered with the county judge, if under his or her jurisdiction, or with the mayor, as the case may be, and a copy of the registration shall be filed with the Department of Health. This registration shall show the location and boundaries of the cemetery.
(a) It shall be unlawful to bury a dead body outside of a registered cemetery. (b) The sexton or person in charge of the cemetery shall keep a correct record on a form prescribed by the Department of Health of each body buried in the cemetery.
(a) Whenever it is proposed to locate a cemetery or to extend the boundaries of an existing cemetery, the party so proposing shall make written application to the county judge or to the mayor of an incorporated city or town, according to whether the cemetery or extension of a cemetery is to be located in […]
(a) By trust instrument or will, any person may establish a trust fund in perpetuity with the income from the trust fund to go to the upkeep of certain specified burial lots or plots in one (1) or more cemeteries or burial grounds in the State of Arkansas. (b) (1) No amount placed in trust […]
(a) The circuit court of the county may order the removal of the dead from an abandoned cemetery which lies outside the limits of any city of the first class of one hundred thousand (100,000) or more in population. (b) Notice of the filing of a petition for the removal of the dead from an […]
(a) As used in this section, “lot” means any lot or portion of a lot in a cemetery owned by a county or municipality which has not been used for the interment of human remains and for which no provision for perpetual care was made at the time the lot was sold or at any […]
(a) The county judge shall appoint three (3) members to an abandoned cemetery registration board if: (1) At least ten (10) qualified voters within the county petition the county judge to provide minimum maintenance for a specific abandoned cemetery; and (2) In the case of private property, the property owner agrees in writing that the […]
(a) A county abandoned cemetery registration board shall have the authority to register abandoned cemeteries within the county as defined in § 20-17-905, but only after a petition has been filed pursuant to § 20-17-907. (b) At any time, the board may conduct an examination of a petitioned abandoned cemetery within the county. (c) (1) […]
Petitioned abandoned cemeteries that are no more than one (1) acre in size are eligible for minimum maintenance.
(a) If a petitioned abandoned cemetery is on private property with no access by the public, the property owner may grant permission to the county abandoned cemetery registration board to enter for maintenance by providing a written statement. (b) The statement shall be notarized and shall provide a conditional easement to the board for ingress […]
Minimum maintenance for petitioned abandoned cemeteries may be secured from any source the county abandoned cemetery registration board can obtain, including work-release prisoners.