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§ 20-21-201. Declaration of policy

It is the policy of the State of Arkansas in furtherance of its responsibility to protect the occupational and public health and safety, to protect the environment, and to further the industrial and economic growth of the state: (1) To institute and maintain a regulatory program for sources of ionizing radiation so as to provide: […]

§ 20-21-202. Purpose

It is the purpose of this subchapter to effectuate the policies set forth in § 20-21-201 by providing a program: (1) Of effective regulation of sources of ionizing radiation for the protection of the occupational and public health and safety; (2) To promote an orderly regulatory pattern within the state, among the states, and between […]

§ 20-21-203. Definitions

As used in this subchapter: (1) “Accelerator or particle accelerator, medical” means a device used to impart kinetic energy of not greater than one hundred megaelectronvolts (100 MeV) to electrically charged particles such as electrons, protons, deuterons, and helium ions, and which is used for medical purposes; (2) “Accelerator or particle accelerator, nonmedical” means a […]

§ 20-21-204. Penalties

(a) Criminal Penalties. Any person who willfully violates any of the provisions of this subchapter or rules or orders in effect pursuant thereto shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than two thousand dollars ($2,000) or by imprisonment for not more than six (6) months, or […]

§ 20-21-205. Enforcement

(a) (1) The State Radiation Control Agency or its authorized representative shall for reasonable cause have the power to enter at all reasonable times upon any private or public property for the purpose of determining whether or not there is compliance with or violation of this subchapter and rules issued under this subchapter. (2) However, […]

§ 20-21-206. State Radiation Control Agency — Designation — Employees

(a) The State Board of Health is designated as the State Radiation Control Agency. (b) The Secretary of the Department of Health shall designate an individual to perform the functions vested in the agency pursuant to this subchapter. (c) In accordance with the laws of this state, the agency may employ, compensate, and prescribe the […]

§ 20-21-207. State Radiation Control Agency — Powers and duties generally

For the protection of the occupational and public health and safety, the State Radiation Control Agency shall: (1) Develop programs for evaluation and control of hazards associated with the use of sources of ionizing radiation; (2) Develop programs, with due regard for compatibility with federal programs, for regulation of by-product, source, and special nuclear materials […]

§ 20-21-210. State Radiation Control Agency — Application

The provisions of this section, §§ 20-21-206 — 20-21-209, and 20-21-211 shall not apply to any production or utilization facility for which the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission or any successor agency thereto has issued a license which is in force and effect to construct or operate the facility.

§ 20-21-212. License or registration required

It shall be unlawful for any person to use, manufacture, produce, distribute, sell, transport, transfer, install, repair, receive, acquire, own, or possess any source of ionizing radiation unless licensed by or registered with the State Radiation Control Agency in conformance with rules promulgated in accordance with this subchapter.

§ 20-21-213. Licensing and registration requirements generally

(a) The State Radiation Control Agency shall provide by rule for general or specific licensing of accelerator-produced material, by-product material, source material, special nuclear material, or devices or equipment utilizing such material. (b) The rule shall provide for amendment, suspension, or revocation of licenses. (c) The rule shall provide that: (1) Each application for a […]

§ 20-21-214. Licensing and registration requirements — Sources of ionizing radiation

(a) The State Radiation Control Agency shall require registration or licensing of other sources of ionizing radiation. (b) The agency may exempt certain sources of ionizing radiation or kinds of uses or users from the licensing or registration requirements set forth in this section and § 20-21-213 when the agency makes a finding that the […]

§ 20-21-216. Licensing and registration requirements — Termination

(a) Any radioactive materials license issued or renewed after July 4, 1983, for any activity which results in the production of radioactive material shall contain such terms and conditions as the State Radiation Control Agency determines to be necessary to assure that before termination of the license: (1) The licensee will comply with decontamination, decommissioning, […]

§ 20-21-217. Licensing and registration requirements — Compliance with standards — Fees

(a) In licensing and regulation of radioactive material or of any activity which results in the production of radioactive materials so defined, the State Radiation Control Agency shall require compliance with applicable standards promulgated by the State Radiation Control Agency which are equivalent to or more stringent than standards adopted and enforced by the United […]

§ 20-21-218. Records

(a) (1) The State Radiation Control Agency shall require each person who manufactures, possesses, distributes, sells, installs, repairs, or uses a source of ionizing radiation to maintain records relating to its receipt, storage, transfer, or disposal and such other records as the agency may require subject to such exemptions as may be provided by rule. […]

§ 20-21-219. Storage of radioactive wastes

(a) The operation or administration of any sites acquired under this subchapter for the concentration and storage of radioactive wastes and by-products shall be under the direct supervision of the State Radiation Control Agency and shall be in accordance with the rules promulgated and enforced by that agency to protect the public health and safety. […]

§ 20-21-220. Training programs

The State Radiation Control Agency may institute training programs for the purpose of qualifying personnel to carry out the provisions of this subchapter and may make the personnel available for participation in any program or programs of the United States Government, other states, or interstate agencies in furtherance of the purposes of this subchapter.