As used in this chapter: (1) “Alteration” means any change made to an existing conveyance or to its hoistway, enclosure, or doors other than the repair or replacement of damaged, worn, or broken parts necessary for normal operation. The changing of the speed governor shall be considered an alteration; (2) “Authorized representative” means the building […]
(a) No city, town, or other governmental subdivision shall have the power to make any ordinance, bylaw, or resolution providing for the licensing, inspection, construction, installation, alteration, maintenance, or operation of elevators, dumbwaiters, or escalators or for the qualifications and duties of operators thereof within the limits of the city, town, or governmental subdivision, and […]
(a) (1) A person, owner, lessee, partnership, association, corporation, licensee, or inspector who violates this chapter or a rule adopted by the Elevator Safety Board is subject to a civil fine of not less than five hundred dollars ($500) and not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) for each offense. (2) Each day during which […]
(a) Except when otherwise provided, the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing Boards and Commissions shall have the power, and it shall be its duty, to enforce this chapter and the rules adopted by the Elevator Safety Board. (b) In cities, towns, or other governmental subdivisions having a building department with qualified personnel to enforce […]
(a) There is created the Elevator Safety Board, consisting of six (6) members, one (1) of whom shall be the Secretary of the Department of Labor and Licensing, who shall serve continuously, and five (5) of whom shall be appointed by the Governor for terms of four (4) years. (b) Upon the death, resignation, or […]
(a) It shall be the duty of the Elevator Safety Board to license elevator inspectors, elevator mechanics, and elevator contractors as provided in this chapter and to revoke or suspend any such license for cause. (b) The board shall have the power and it shall be its duty to consult with engineering authorities and organizations […]
(a) (1) A public hearing shall be held by the Elevator Safety Board before the adoption of any rules authorized by this chapter. (2) Copies of such rules as are proposed by the board for adoption shall be made available to all interested parties at least thirty (30) days before the hearing. (3) Notice of […]
(a) (1) The inspections of conveyances required by this chapter shall be made by an elevator inspector licensed by the Elevator Safety Board. (2) To be eligible for a license to inspect conveyances, the applicant or licensee shall: (A) Have experience in designing, installing, maintaining, or inspecting conveyances to the extent established by rules of […]
(a) (1) A written application for the examination and license for elevator inspector, elevator mechanic, or elevator contractor shall be made upon a form to be supplied by the Elevator Safety Board upon request and shall be accompanied by a statement of the applicant’s experience together with an examination fee not to exceed one hundred […]
(a) No elevator inspector shall inspect an elevator, escalator, or dumbwaiter if the inspector or any member of his or her immediate family has a financial interest in the building in which the elevator, escalator, or dumbwaiter is located or in any business which occupies the building in which the elevator, escalator, or dumbwaiter is […]
Every elevator, dumbwaiter, and escalator shall be maintained by the owner or lessee in a safe operating condition so that it conforms to the rules and requirements of the Elevator Safety Board as adopted under § 20-24-107(a) and (b).
(a) All new and existing elevators, dumbwaiters, and escalators, except dormant elevators, dumbwaiters, and escalators, shall be tested and inspected in accordance with the following schedule: (1) (A) Every new or altered elevator, dumbwaiter, and escalator shall be inspected and tested in conformity with the applicable rules adopted by the Elevator Safety Board before the […]
(a) (1) A report of every required inspection or safety test shall be filed with the Department of Labor and Licensing or its authorized representative by the inspector making the inspection or witnessing the test on a form approved by the department or its authorized representative within thirty (30) days after the inspection or test […]
In addition to required inspections, the Department of Labor and Licensing or its authorized representative may designate a licensed inspector in its employ to make such additional inspections as may be required to enforce this chapter and the rules adopted by the Elevator Safety Board under § 20-24-107(a) and (b).
(a) (1) On and after the effective date of rules adopted by the Elevator Safety Board under § 20-24-107(a) and (b), detailed plans and specifications of the elevator, dumbwaiter, or escalator to be thereafter installed, relocated, or altered shall be submitted by the contractor, or in the absence of an installing contractor, by a person […]
(a) (1) Operating permits shall be issued by the Department of Labor and Licensing within the time limits specified in this section to the owner or lessee of every new or altered elevator, dumbwaiter, and escalator and of every existing elevator, dumbwaiter, and escalator when the inspection report indicates compliance with the applicable sections of […]
(a) The following fees shall be paid to the Department of Labor and Licensing for each passenger, freight, or one-man elevator or dumbwaiter installation permit: (1) Elevators $150.00 (2) Escalators and moving walks 200.00 (3) Dumbwaiters 100.00 (4) Wheelchair lifts 100.00 (5) Workmen’s hoists 200.00 (b) A fee of not less than five dollars ($5.00) […]
(a) In all publicly owned buildings containing passenger elevators, braille tags shall be affixed on or immediately adjacent to all elevator pushbuttons, levers, or switches in order that blind persons may operate the elevators properly without assistance from sighted persons. (b) For the purposes of this section, “publicly owned buildings” includes those buildings which are […]
(a) Any person aggrieved by an order or act of the Department of Labor and Licensing or its authorized representative under this chapter may, within fifteen (15) days after notice thereof, appeal from the order or act to the Elevator Safety Board, which shall, within thirty (30) days thereafter, hold a hearing of which at […]
Conveyances installed in private single-family dwellings shall be exempt from the testing and inspection requirements of § 20-24-112 and the permitting requirements of §§ 20-24-115 and 20-24-116.