§ 20-25-101. Title
This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Arkansas Manufactured Homes Standards Act”.
This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Arkansas Manufactured Homes Standards Act”.
As used in this chapter: (1) “Authorized representative” means any person or employee approved, certified, or hired by the Director of the Arkansas Manufactured Home Commission to perform inspection services; (2) “Code” means standards adopted by the Arkansas Manufactured Home Commission; (3) “Defect” means any defect in the performance, construction, components, or material of a […]
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to give the Arkansas Manufactured Home Commission any authority with respect to the operation and maintenance of manufactured home parks in this state.
(a) It shall be deemed a violation of this chapter: (1) For any manufacturer or retailer of manufactured homes to fail to correct a code violation within a reasonable time, not to exceed ninety (90) days, of being ordered to do so in writing by an authorized representative of the Director of the Arkansas Manufactured […]
(a) (1) There is created the Arkansas Manufactured Home Commission consisting of ten (10) members. Members shall be appointed by the Governor, to be confirmed by the Senate, and appointments shall be made in such a manner as to result in at least one (1) member residing in each congressional district as the congressional districts […]
(a) (1) The Arkansas Manufactured Home Commission by rule shall set uniform, reasonable standards for the proper: (A) (i) Initial installation of new manufactured homes installed in this state. (ii) The installation standards under subdivision (a)(1)(A)(i) of this section shall equal or exceed installation standards promulgated under the federal standards; and (B) Secondary installation of […]
(a) The Director of the Arkansas Manufactured Home Commission shall be appointed by the Arkansas Manufactured Home Commission. (b) The director shall administer the code for manufactured homes and the rules promulgated by the commission. (c) (1) The director shall establish an inspection system sufficient to ensure compliance with the code by providing for inspections […]
(a) No retailer shall sell or offer for sale within this state any new manufactured home unless the manufactured home complies with the code. (b) No person shall manufacture in this state or manufacture out of this state and ship into this state for sale any new manufactured home unless the manufactured home complies with […]
(a) No retailer shall sell or offer for sale to anyone within this state any manufactured home manufactured after June 15, 1976, unless the manufactured home bears a United States Department of Housing and Urban Development label issued by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development or its contract agent. (b) All manufacturers […]
(a) Each manufactured home manufacturer in this state and manufacturers of all new manufactured homes shipped into this state for use in this state shall issue with each new manufactured home a warranty generally in use in the industry warranting the manufactured home to be free from material defects and to be manufactured in a […]
All manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and installers in this state shall make and maintain such reports and information deemed necessary and shall provide the United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development such reports and information as the secretary may require pursuant to Title VI of Pub. L. No. 93-383.
All fees collected by the Director of the Arkansas Manufactured Home Commission under this chapter shall be deposited into the State Treasury. The Treasurer of State shall credit the amount paid into a special fund to be designated the “Manufactured Home Standards Fund” from which appropriations shall be made for the administration of this chapter.
(a) (1) All manufactured home retailers shall be required to provide a written purchase agreement to the purchaser of each new manufactured home sold in the State of Arkansas. (2) Each written purchase agreement issued by a manufactured home retailer upon the purchase of a new manufactured home shall include, but not be limited to: […]