The purpose of this subchapter is to protect the public health and safety and the environment and to qualify the Division of Environmental Quality to adopt, administer, and enforce a program for licensing training providers involved with the training of regulated asbestos professionals, for licensing asbestos abatement consultants and asbestos abatement contractors, and for certifying […]
(a) Any person who violates any provision of this subchapter or commits any unlawful act thereunder or who violates any rule or order of the Arkansas Pollution Control and Ecology Commission shall be subject to the penalty provisions provided in § 8-4-103. (b) All moneys collected as civil penalties shall be deposited into the Hazardous […]
As used in this subchapter: (1) “Air monitor” means any person who collects airborne samples for analysis of asbestos fibers; (2) “Asbestos abatement consultant” means any person or other legal entity, however organized, that acts as an agent for the owner or operator in performing demolitions, renovations, or response actions which will involve, or may […]
The Division of Environmental Quality shall be charged with the responsibility of administering and enforcing this subchapter and is given and charged with the following powers and duties: (1) To require and regulate training and examinations for all disciplines certified by this subchapter and the rules promulgated pursuant to this subchapter; (2) To establish standards […]
The procedures of the Division of Environmental Quality and the Arkansas Pollution Control and Ecology Commission for issuance of rules, conduct of hearings, notice, power of subpoena, review of action on licenses, right of appeal, presumptions, finality of actions, and related matters shall be as provided in the Arkansas Water and Air Pollution Control Act, […]
(a) Any asbestos abatement consultant or asbestos abatement contractor shall obtain a license under this section from the Division of Environmental Quality before actively engaging in any asbestos demolition, renovation, or asbestos response action, and any training provider shall obtain a license under this section from the division before actively engaging in any asbestos training […]
It shall be unlawful for any person: (1) To conduct: (A) Asbestos response actions, demolitions, or renovations without having first obtained a license from the Division of Environmental Quality when acting as an asbestos abatement consultant or as an asbestos abatement contractor; (B) Training without having first obtained a license from the division when acting […]
(a) There is created within the Division of Environmental Quality the Asbestos Abatement Grant Program, which shall be used to provide financial assistance to an eligible city or county to be used exclusively for the purpose of one (1) or more stabilization and abatement activities as provided in this subchapter. (b) The total grant funds […]
(a) (1) A city or county with a population of less than fifty thousand (50,000) according to the most recent federal decennial census may apply to the Division of Environmental Quality for grant funds to be used under this subchapter. (2) Grant funds approved for use by a county shall not be used for a […]
The grant funds approved under § 20-27-1009 may be used for the following: (1) The cost of activities undertaken in an approved grant application by a city or county in the normal course and customary practice of a stabilization and abatement activity for an eligible structure owned by a city or county in the following […]
(a) Within thirty (30) days of receiving grant funds under this subchapter, a city or county shall provide a report to the Division of Environmental Quality that includes the following: (1) The manner in which the grant funds were expended by the city or county; (2) The results produced or the progress made using the […]
The Arkansas Pollution Control and Ecology Commission shall promulgate rules to implement this subchapter.