As used in this subchapter: (1) “Bedding” means a mattress, upholstered spring, comforter, pad, cushion, pillow, box springs, foundation, or studio couch made, in whole or in part, from new or secondhand fabric, filling materials, or other materials, which can be used for sleeping or reclining purposes; (2) [Repealed.] (3) [Repealed.] (4) “Manufacture” means the […]
(a) (1) All bedding manufactured, renovated, sanitized, or sold by a seller within the state shall bear a clear and conspicuous label that explicitly states whether the bedding is made from all new materials or is made in whole or in part from secondhand materials. (2) The label on bedding made from all new materials […]
(a) The contents and uses and percentage of filling materials used in articles of bedding and in bulk form shall be stated on the label. (b) Percentages shall be computed on the basis of avoirdupois weight of the filling material present and shall be designated on the label in order of predominance with the component […]
(a) The Department of Health, at its discretion, may randomly conduct bedding and materials product tests and inspections of the premises of any bedding manufacturer, renovator, or sanitizer for the purpose of determining compliance with the provisions of this section and the department’s rules adopted under this section. (b) If the department finds probable cause […]
(a) The Department of Health may adopt rules to implement this section, including without limitation rules regarding the following: (1) Mandatory label dimensions; (2) Format; (3) Informational content, including the name, address, and permit number of the manufacturer, renovator, or sanitizer; (4) Letter size; (5) Material; (6) Placement; (7) Affixing specifications; (8) Other relevant requirements; […]