As used in this chapter: (1) “Critical items” means those aspects of operation or conditions of facilities or equipment which, if in violation, constitute the greatest hazards to health and safety, including imminent health hazards. These include: (A) Restriction of employees with infection; (B) Approved water supply of hot and cold running water under pressure; […]
(a) Any person operating a public swimming pool in violation of this chapter or rules adopted pursuant to this chapter shall be guilty of a violation. (b) (1) Upon conviction, that person shall be fined not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500) for each offense. (2) Each day of […]
The Department of Health is authorized: (1) To carry out or cause to be carried out all provisions of this chapter; (2) To collect all fees provided for in this chapter; (3) To prescribe such rules governing the alteration, construction, sanitation, safety, and operation of public swimming pools as may be necessary to protect the […]
(a) No person shall operate a public swimming pool who does not hold a valid permit issued to him or her by the Department of Health. (b) Every person who shall engage in the business of operating a public swimming pool shall procure a permit from the department for each public swimming pool operated. (c) […]
The Department of Health may suspend or revoke any permit to operate a public swimming pool issued pursuant to this chapter if the department has reasonable cause to believe that the permittee is not in compliance with this chapter or the permittee has repeatedly violated requirements of this chapter.
(a) The annual permit fee to operate a public swimming pool shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00), except as outlined in subsection (b) of this section, due and payable each January 1. The permit fee shall be due and payable before beginning operation of any new public swimming pool and on each January 1 thereafter. (b) […]
(a) All fees and fines levied and collected under this chapter are declared to be special revenues and shall be deposited into the State Treasury to be credited to the Public Health Fund. (b) Subject to such rules as may be implemented by the Chief Fiscal Officer of the State, the disbursing officer for the […]