§ 20-6-301. Title
This subchapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Arkansas Physician Order for Life-Sustaining Treatment Act”.
This subchapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Arkansas Physician Order for Life-Sustaining Treatment Act”.
The General Assembly finds that: (1) It is important for individuals to make healthcare decisions before a medical crisis or emergency occurs; (2) Healthcare planning is a process, rather than a single decision, that helps individuals think about the type of care that they would want if they become seriously ill or incapacitated, and encourages […]
As used in this subchapter: (1) (A) “Healthcare facility” means an institution, building, agency, or a portion of an institution, building, or agency that is used, operated, or designed to provide healthcare services, medical treatment, nursing care, rehabilitative care, or preventative care to an individual, regardless of whether the institution, building, or agency is a […]
(a) The State Board of Health shall prescribe a standardized physician order for life-sustaining treatment form that: (1) Is signed and dated by: (A) The patient or the legal representative of the patient; and (B) The physician of the patient; (2) Includes: (A) The name and date of birth of the patient; and (B) The […]
(a) Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section, a healthcare provider and a healthcare facility shall treat a patient in accordance with the physician order for life-sustaining treatment form. (b) A physician order for life-sustaining treatment form is valid in a healthcare facility, regardless of whether the physician who signed the life-sustaining treatment […]
(a) (1) An executed physician order for life-sustaining treatment form may be reviewed periodically by the physician of the patient. (2) The physician may: (A) Conduct an evaluation of the patient; and (B) In consultation with the patient or the legal representative of the patient, issue a new physician order for life-sustaining treatment form consistent […]
(a) (1) A physician order for life-sustaining treatment form is not intended to replace an advance directive. (2) In executing a physician order for life-sustaining treatment form, a patient, the legal representative of the patient when applicable, and the physician shall make a good-faith effort to locate and incorporate treatment preferences documented in a previously […]
A healthcare provider, healthcare facility, or employee or agent of the healthcare provider or healthcare facility is not subject to civil or criminal liability or discipline for unprofessional conduct for: (1) Complying with a physician order for life-sustaining treatment form based upon a good-faith assumption that the physician order for life-sustaining treatment form was valid […]
(a) The signing of a physician order for life-sustaining treatment form by a patient or legal representative of the patient is voluntary. (b) (1) A person or entity, including without limitation a healthcare provider, healthcare facility, employer, or health insurance carrier, shall not require an individual to execute a physician order for life-sustaining treatment form […]
(a) It is unlawful for a person to knowingly: (1) Conceal, cancel, deface, obliterate, or damage a physician order for life-sustaining treatment form without the consent of the patient or the legal representative of the patient; (2) (A) Cause an individual to execute a physician order for life-sustaining treatment form by undue influence, fraud, or […]
(a) A death that results from compliance with a physician order for life-sustaining treatment form does not constitute a suicide, homicide, or abuse, for any reason. (b) (1) The execution of a physician order for life-sustaining treatment form does not affect the sale, procurement, or issuance of a life insurance policy or annuity policy. (2) […]
A copy of an executed physician order for life-sustaining treatment form has the same effect as the original physician order for life-sustaining treatment form.