US Lawyer Database

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§ 20-7-101. Violations — Penalties

(a) (1) Every firm, person, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this act or any of the orders or rules made and promulgated in pursuance hereof shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more […]

§ 20-7-102. Members — Appointment

(a) The State Board of Health shall consist of the following members, to be appointed by the Governor subject to confirmation by the Senate as follows: (1) (A) Seven (7) members of the board shall be licensed medical doctors of good professional standing, to be appointed by the Governor as follows: (i) One (1) member […]

§ 20-7-103. Members — Officers

(a) The members of the State Board of Health shall elect one (1) of the members as president. (b) (1) The State Board of Health shall nominate to the Governor a Director of the Department of Health. (2) (A) The Governor shall appoint the director who shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor. (B) […]

§ 20-7-105. Proceedings

(a) (1) The State Board of Health shall meet at least one (1) time every three (3) months. (2) Upon the call of the President of the State Board of Health or a majority of the members of the board, the board shall meet at such other times as may be necessary in the interest […]

§ 20-7-106. Office

The office of the State Board of Health shall be located in Little Rock, and the board shall be furnished with all necessary equipment and supplies, including laboratory supplies, books, stationery, blanks, furniture, etc., as are provided other officers of the state and as are necessary for carrying on the work of the board, and […]

§ 20-7-107. Appointment of assistant director

The Secretary of the Department of Health may appoint and employ an assistant director who shall be knowledgeable in the field of public health and whose duty it shall be to assist the secretary in the general supervision of the affairs of his or her office and in the enforcement of quarantine and sanitation throughout […]

§ 20-7-108. Engagement of certain personnel

The Department of Health may engage suitable persons to render sanitary service, to make or supervise practical and scientific investigations and examinations requiring expert skill, and to prepare plans and to report relative to sanitary service.

§ 20-7-109. Authority to regulate public health — Exceptions

(a) (1) Power is conferred on the State Board of Health to make all necessary and reasonable rules of a general nature for: (A) The protection of the public health and safety; (B) The general amelioration of the sanitary and hygienic conditions within the state; (C) The suppression and prevention of infectious, contagious, and communicable […]

§ 20-7-110. Study and prevention of diseases

(a) (1) The State Board of Health has general supervision and control of all matters pertaining to the health of the citizens of this state. (2) The board shall make a study of the causes and prevention of infectious, contagious, and communicable diseases, and, except as otherwise provided in this act, the board shall have […]

§ 20-7-111. Administration of certain federal acts

(a) The State of Arkansas does accept the benefits of any acts now passed or hereafter to be passed by the United States Congress to provide for cooperation with the states in the protection of mothers and infants and promotion of a public health program. (b) (1) The State Board of Health is designated as […]

§ 20-7-112. Inspections

(a) It is made the duty of all officers and agents who have the control, charge, or custody of any public structure, work, grounds, or erection, or of any plan, description, outlines, drawings, or charts thereof or relating thereto, made, kept, or controlled under any public authority, to permit and facilitate the examination and inspection […]

§ 20-7-113. Nuisances

(a) (1) At any time, the Governor may require the State Board of Health to examine nuisances or questions affecting the security of life and health in any locality in the state, and in such cases the State Board of Health shall have all the necessary powers to make those examinations. The State Board of […]

§ 20-7-114. Public health laboratory

(a) (1) The State Board of Health shall establish, equip, and maintain a public health laboratory that shall be used for making: (A) Analyses of foods and drugs to enforce pure food and drug laws; (B) Analyses of the environment to investigate cases or suspected cases of human exposure; and (C) Investigations of cases and […]

§ 20-7-115. Transportation of dead bodies

(a) (1) The State Board of Health shall prepare the necessary methods and forms and prescribe the rules regulating the issue and use of transfer permits, with the proper coupons attached thereto, to be issued by local organized boards of health or health officers, for the transportation of the dead bodies of persons which are […]

§ 20-7-117. Hospices — Definition — State Hospice Office — Creation

(a) There is created within the Department of Health a State Hospice Office to be administered in a division of the department to be designated by the Secretary of the Department of Health. (b) (1) The office shall: (A) Coordinate the care of terminally ill persons with all existing agencies, programs, and facilities; (B) Implement […]

§ 20-7-118. Annual conference for health officers

(a) There shall be an annual conference of county health officers and city health officers of this state, meeting at such time and place as the State Board of Health designates. The President of the State Board of Health or some member of the board shall preside at the conference. (b) Each of the several […]

§ 20-7-119. Identification tags and bracelets

(a) When application is made and upon the payment of the fees provided in this section, the Department of Health may prepare and furnish to the applicant either a suitable metal tag commonly referred to as “dog tag” or an identification bracelet which may be inscribed with, in addition to the name and address of […]

§ 20-7-120. No right to enter home or take charge of children

(a) No official, agent, or representative of the Department of Health shall have any right under this section to enter any home over the objection of the owner of the home or to take charge of any child over the objection of either or both parents or of the person standing in loco parentis or […]

§ 20-7-121. Annual report

(a) It shall be the duty of the State Board of Health to make an annual written report through the Secretary of the Department of Health to the Governor on or before January 1 of each year. (b) The report shall include: (1) A financial statement covering the expenditures of all funds appropriated for the […]