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§ 20-7-123. Fees

(a) All revenue derived from fees collected pursuant to this section shall be deposited as special revenues into the State Treasury, where they shall be credited to the Public Health Fund. (b) These fees are as follows: (1) All fees prescribed in the Vital Statistics Act, § 20-18-101 et seq., which are as follows: (A) […]

§ 20-7-124. Disposition of certain fees

All fees collected by the Department of Health for food-related establishment permits, septic tank permits, and milk permits shall be deposited into the State Treasury to the credit of the Public Health Fund and shall be for the use of the Division of Environmental Health Protection of the Department of Health.

§ 20-7-126. Payment of overtime for home health employees

(a) The Department of Health may make overtime payments to employees engaged in the performance of home health activities. (b) The payments are to be in addition to compensation otherwise due the employees at the same rate currently paid to the employees for regular time, but on an hourly basis.

§ 20-7-128. Maintenance fee for breath-testing instruments

(a) (1) The State Board of Health may assess a fee for the maintenance of breath-testing instruments by law enforcement agencies for purposes contained in the Omnibus DWI or BWI Act, § 5-65-101 et seq., and § 5-65-201 et seq. (2) The fees collected shall be used for the support of the maintenance program as […]

§ 20-7-129. Reimbursement for certain medical supplies or services

(a) (1) The Department of Health may implement a reimbursement system to recover part or all of the costs of delivering services. (2) For the purpose of vaccine and vaccine administration reimbursement, if a private healthcare insurer declines or does not respond to a request to contract with the department within ninety (90) days of […]

§ 20-7-130. Recovery of expenditures for extraordinary operations

(a) The purpose of this section is to more equitably allocate the costs between the state and responsible parties when unforeseen circumstances arise as a result of accidents and other man-made causes which require assistance from the Department of Health. The authority to recover these expenses would enable the department to replace funds budgeted for […]

§ 20-7-131. Local control of county or city units of Department of Health

(a) The mayor or county judge of any city or county that is providing facilities for a local unit of the Department of Health shall be consulted before the hiring of or the removal of the administrator of the local unit. (b) Notwithstanding the Freedom of Information Act of 1967, § 25-19-101 et seq., the […]

§ 20-7-132. Guidelines for cleanup of clandestine methamphetamine labs

(a) The Department of Health shall develop guidelines for the cleanup of former clandestine methamphetamine drug labs. (b) The guidelines shall be made available on the department’s website and shall be available to law enforcement officials and the public upon request. (c) The guidelines shall be reviewed and updated annually.

§ 20-7-133. Child Health Advisory Committee — Creation

(a) There is created a Child Health Advisory Committee to consist of twenty (20) members. (b) (1) The Secretary of the Department of Health shall appoint: (A) One (1) member to represent the Department of Health; (B) One (1) member to represent the Arkansas Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics; (C) One (1) member to represent […]

§ 20-7-134. Powers and duties

(a) The Child Health Advisory Committee shall meet at least one (1) time per month and make recommendations to the State Board of Education and the State Board of Health consistent with the intent and purpose of this section and §§ 20-7-133 and 20-7-135. (b) The committee shall develop nutrition and physical activity standards and […]

§ 20-7-135. Nutrition and physical activity standards — Implementation

(a) After having consulted the Child Health Advisory Committee and the State Board of Health, the State Board of Education shall promulgate appropriate rules to ensure that nutrition and physical activity standards and body mass index for age assessment protocols are implemented to provide students with the skills, opportunities, and encouragement to adopt healthy lifestyles. […]

§ 20-7-136. Statewide fluoridation program — Definition

(a) As used in this section, “water system” means a facility including without limitation a parent system, consecutive system, or other system that holds, treats, and supplies water directly or through a consecutive system or consecutive systems to five thousand (5,000) persons or more. (b) The company, corporation, municipality, county, government agency, or other entity […]

§ 20-7-137. Soccer goal safety — Definition

(a) (1) As used in this section, “public recreation area” means an area that is used by members of the public for recreational activities. (2) “Public recreation area” includes a privately owned or publicly owned: (A) Park; (B) Sports field; (C) Auditorium; (D) School playground; or (E) Other school facility. (b) A soccer goal in […]

§ 20-7-140. Arkansas standards for human breast milk

(a) The Department of Health shall establish, by rule, standards for transporting, processing, and distributing commercial human breast milk on a for-profit or nonprofit basis in this state. (b) The department may: (1) Convene a committee of subject matter experts to assist in the development of the standards described in subsection (a) of this section; […]