(a) All public and private hospitals located and operated in this state shall post in some conspicuous place in each patient’s room the daily room rates for both a private and a semiprivate room. (b) Any hospital or person violating subsection (a) of this section shall be guilty of a violation and upon conviction shall […]
(a) (1) A clinic, health center, or other facility in which the pregnancies of ten (10) or more women known to be pregnant are willfully terminated or aborted in any month, including nonsurgical abortions, shall be licensed by the Department of Health. (2) (A) The department shall inspect a clinic, health center, or other facility […]
(a) All information, interviews, reports, statements, memoranda, or other data of the State Board of Health, the Arkansas Medical Society, allied medical societies, or in-hospital staff committees of licensed hospitals, but not the original medical records pertaining to the patients, used in the course of medical studies for the purpose of reducing morbidity or mortality, […]
(a) (1) Any nonprofit hospital association or corporation organized under the laws of this state that operates and maintains a hospital facility in this state primarily for providing hospital services for the employees of any corporation or company engaged in interstate commerce shall file annually with the Secretary of the Department of Finance and Administration […]
(a) All public-supported hospitals in the State of Arkansas shall publish an annual report including financial statements showing profits, expenditures, and operating costs. (b) Every such hospital shall publish its annual report in a newspaper of general circulation within the county where it is located.
(a) (1) Upon the patient’s request at the time of discharge of each patient or at the time of billing the patient or the insurance company for the patient or at the time of billing the patient or the insurance company for the hospital services, drugs, and supplies, each hospital in the state, except those […]
When requested, any physician, surgeon, hospital administrator, nurse, technologist, and any other person engaged in work in or about a licensed hospital and having any information or knowledge relating to the medical and hospital care provided in the hospital or to the efficient use of the hospital facilities shall be obligated to advise committees reviewing […]
(a) This section may be cited as the “Emergency Medical Care Act”. (b) Because of the need for rapid assessment and care, in order to protect the life and health of the people of Arkansas during a medical emergency, it is found and declared necessary: (1) To establish a definition for emergency medical care; (2) […]
Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, no person or medical facility serving as a custodian of health or medical records shall be subject to any civil or criminal liability for: (1) Providing access to or producing copies of the records pursuant to a subpoena issued by any board, agency, commission, prosecuting attorney, or grand […]
(a) The General Assembly finds that: (1) Numerous workers who are occupationally exposed to blood-borne pathogens have contracted fatal and other serious viruses and diseases, including the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B, and hepatitis C, from exposure to blood and other potentially infectious materials in their workplaces; (2) In 1991, the United States Occupational […]