As used in this subchapter: (1) “Blind” or “blind person” means a person having not more than 20/200 visual acuity in the better eye with correcting lenses, or visual acuity greater than 20/200 but with a limitation in the field of vision such that the widest diameter of the visual field subtends an angle of […]
This subchapter is not intended to cover the following vending facilities: (1) Vending facilities operated by universities and colleges or the vending facilities provided as an integral part of their services to students or as a training program for students; (2) Food service provided by hospitals or residential institutions of the state as a direct […]
(a) For the purpose of assisting blind persons to become self-supporting and to further promote employment of the blind in Arkansas, state agency administrators shall assure that preference is given to the licensing agency in authorizing the operation of vending facilities on state property through the organized vending facility program operated by the licensing agency. […]
No blind person may operate a vending facility, including any vending machine or other coin-operated device, on state property unless licensed to do so by the licensing agency.
(a) The licensing agency shall issue licenses to operate vending facilities on state property to blind persons who are in need of employment and who are capable of efficiently operating the vending facility in a manner resulting in reasonable satisfaction for all parties concerned. (b) No blind person shall be issued a license as an […]
Upon written or verbal request from a state agency administrator that a vending facility is desired on state property, or upon its own initiative, the licensing agency shall: (1) Survey the property, blueprints, plans, or other available information to determine if the installation of a vending facility would be feasible and profitable and notify the […]
(a) The state agency administrators shall cooperate with the licensing agency in the selection of a suitable location for vending facilities and shall provide proper space, plumbing, lighting, and electrical outlets for the vending facility in the original planning and construction or in the alteration and renovation of present state property. (b) The state agency […]
(a) State agency administrators of state property where the total number of persons using the property daily would produce insufficient profits, as determined by the licensing agency, to support a vending facility and a living wage for a blind person shall grant a preference to the licensing agency in securing proper coin-operated vending machines for […]
(a) In the design, construction, alteration, or renovation of state property housing or serving fifty (50) persons or more, there shall be included a satisfactory site or sites with space and electrical and plumbing outlets suitable for the location and operation of a vending facility. State property housing or serving fifty (50) persons or more […]
(a) On state property where a vending facility is presently being operated by a blind licensed operator and before any additional or different provisions or arrangements are made for the sale or dispensing of articles or services of the type enumerated in § 22-3-1303(b), the licensing agency shall be given an opportunity to determine if […]
On state property where vending facilities are being operated by those other than the blind, when the present contract or agreement expires or is terminated for any reason or when a change in the present vending facility is imminent, the future planned vending facility for such state property shall be covered by this subchapter, and […]
The Division of Services for the Blind of the Department of Human Services shall retain a portion of the proceeds derived from the vending stand program to be used for the benefit of maintaining the physical facilities of the vending stand program. The expenditures shall be limited to renovation of existing space, replacement of furniture […]
(a) Should a state agency operate or develop as an integral part of its student program a food service training program, the state agency administrator or governing board of the state-supported facility shall notify the licensing agency of the program change. (b) The licensing agency shall contract with the state agency administrator or governing board […]