(a) The membership of a credit union shall be limited to and consist of the subscribers to the articles of incorporation and such other persons, having the common bond set forth in the bylaws, as have been admitted as members, have paid the entrance fee as provided in the bylaws, have prescribed and paid for […]
The members of the credit union shall not be personally or individually liable for the payment of debts of the credit union.
(a) The annual meeting and special meetings shall be held at the time, place, and in the manner indicated in the bylaws. (b) At all meetings each member shall have but one (1) vote, irrespective of his or her shareholdings. No member may vote by proxy, but a society or association having membership in the […]
(a) A member of a credit union may be expelled by the board of directors of the credit union, but only after he or she has been given an opportunity to be heard regarding the purpose of the expulsion. A written notice of this hearing, setting forth the time, place, and date for the meeting, […]