(a) An association and any federal association may accept savings accounts from any minor, as the sole and absolute owner of the savings account, and receive payments thereon by or for the owner, and pay withdrawals, accept pledges to the association, and act in any other manner with respect to the accounts on the order […]
Savings accounts may be opened in any association or a federal association in the names of two (2) or more persons, either minor or adult, or a combination of minor and adult, and the savings accounts may be held as follows: (1) (A) If the person opening the savings account fails to designate in writing […]
(a) An association or a federal association may accept savings accounts in the name of any administrator, executor, custodian, guardian, trustee, or other fiduciary, with or without the designation of the name of the beneficiary or the court order creating the fiduciary relationship. The fiduciary shall have power to vote as a member, to open […]
(a) When a savings account is held in any association or federal association by a person residing in another state or country, the account, together with additions thereto and earnings thereon, or any part thereof, may be paid to the administrator or executor appointed in the state or country where the account holder resided at […]
(a) Any savings account holder may, at any time, present a written application for withdrawal of all or any part of his or her savings account except to the extent the account may be pledged to the association or to another person on the books of the association. (b) (1) An association may pay, in […]
In the event an association is given notice that conflicting claims of whatever kind and nature exist to the ownership or right to withdraw a savings account, the association may, at its option, without liability, withhold paying any withdrawals from the account until it receives a written withdrawal request executed by all the claimants to […]
In the event an association wrongfully and without legal right refuses to pay a withdrawal request for a savings account, the owner of the savings account shall be entitled to recover damages from the association equal to interest at the legal rate prescribed by the laws of this state from the date the withdrawal request […]
An association or a federal association may recognize, or continue to recognize, the authority of an attorney in fact authorized in writing to manage or to make withdrawals, either in whole or in part, from a savings account until it receives written notice of the revocation of the authority of the attorney in fact or […]
(a) Every association operating under this chapter or any federal association shall have a lien, without further agreement or pledge, upon all savings accounts owned by any borrower, or savings accounts subject to withdrawal by any borrower, to secure the payment of any indebtedness of the borrower to the association. Upon default on any loan, […]
A release or acquittance signed by either the president or the secretary of any corporation or any unincorporated association, whether foreign, domestic, charitable, public, or private, or signed by any person purporting to be the president or secretary of the corporation, who opens a savings account in the name of the corporation, shall constitute a […]
(a) Administrators, executors, guardians, trustees, and other fiduciaries, business corporations, insurance companies and charitable or educational corporations or associations, banks, credit unions, and all other financial institutions, and any person acting as custodian under the Uniform Securities Ownership by Minors Act, § 9-26-301 et seq., are specifically authorized and empowered to invest funds held by […]