As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires: (1) “Bucket shop” means any place of business wherein contracts are made of the sort or character denounced by § 23-44-105; (2) “Contract for sale” means sales, purchases, agreements of sale, agreements to sell, and agreements to purchase; and (3) “Person” means individuals, associations, partnerships, […]
(a) (1) Any person, acting either as agent or principal, who knowingly enters into or assists in making any contracts of sale of the sort or character denounced by § 23-44-105, for the future delivery of cotton, grain, stocks, or other commodities or who maintains or operates a bucket shop as that term is defined […]
(a) All contracts of sale for future delivery of cotton, grain, stocks, or other commodities shall be valid and enforceable in the courts of this state, according to their terms, if they are: (1) Made in accordance with the rules of any board of trade, exchange, or similar institution where the contracts of sale are […]
Any broker, agent, or any other person making advances to, or for account of, any party to any contract falling within and satisfying the provisions of § 23-44-103 shall be entitled to recover the amount of the advances from the party to, or for the account of, whom the advances were made.
Any contract of sale for the future delivery of cotton, grain, stocks, or other commodities which is to be settled according to, or upon the basis of, the public market quotation or prices made on any board of trade, exchange, or similar institution, upon which contracts of sale for future delivery are executed and dealt […]
The maintenance or operation of a bucket shop at any point in this state is prohibited.
(a) There may be organized, in any city, town, or municipality in the State of Arkansas, voluntary associations to be known as cotton exchanges, grain exchanges, boards of trade, or similar institutions to receive and post quotations on cotton, grains, stocks, bonds, and other commodities for the benefit of their members and other persons engaged […]
(a) Only members of cotton exchanges, grain exchanges, boards of trade, or similar institutions organized under the laws of Arkansas or any other state may provide for their use, and the use of their clients, private or public wires from cities in Arkansas where the cotton exchanges, grain exchanges, boards of trade, or similar institutions […]
(a) Every person shall furnish, upon demand, to any principal from whom that person has executed any contract or sale for the future delivery of any cotton, grain, stocks, or other commodities, a written instrument setting forth the name and location of the exchange, board of trade, or similar institution upon which the contract has […]