(a) The Bank Commissioner may initiate any appropriate civil or administrative action or remedy upon discovering a violation of the Arkansas Banking Code of 1997 or any other statute or rule the enforcement of which is within the scope of his or her duty. (b) Civil, administrative, or criminal actions initiated by the commissioner under […]
(a) (1) If the directors of any institution under the supervision of the State Bank Department shall knowingly violate or knowingly permit any of its officers, agents, or servants to violate any of the laws enacted for the rule of any such institutions or any department rules, all rights, privileges, and franchises of the institution […]
(a) (1) All persons except those described in subdivision (a)(2) of this section are prohibited from using in this state as a portion of or in connection with their place of business their name or title or in reference to themselves in their stationery or advertising the following words or phrases, alone or in combination […]
A person is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor whenever he or she: (1) Maliciously, and without cause, circulates or causes to be circulated, either verbally or in writing, any rumor with the intent to injuriously affect the financial standing or reputation of any bank doing business in this state; (2) Makes any statement or […]
(a) The following persons shall be guilty of a felony: (1) Any officer, director, agent, or employee of any bank or subsidiary trust company who: (A) Embezzles or willfully misapplies any of the moneys, funds, or credits of the bank or subsidiary trust company; (B) Without authority from the directors of the bank or subsidiary […]
The following persons shall be guilty of a Class D felony: (1) Any person or persons who shall knowingly subscribe to or make or cause to be made any false statement or false entry in the books of any financial institution with the purpose to deceive the Bank Commissioner or examiner; (2) Any person or […]
Every officer, agent, or employee of any financial institution organized or doing business under the laws of the state who knowingly subscribes to or makes any false reports or any false statements or entries in the books of the financial institution or knowingly subscribes or exhibits any false writing or paper with the purpose to […]
Any commissioner or examiner who shall knowingly make a false or fraudulent report of the condition of any financial institution with the purpose to aid or abet its officers, owners, or agents in continuing to operate an insolvent institution or to injure the financial institution, or any examiner who shall receive or accept any bribe […]
Any examiner who shall disclose any information obtained by him or her in the course of his or her employment, except to the Bank Commissioner or the directors of the financial institution, or when subpoenaed as a witness in a legal proceeding, or who shall knowingly make, state, or publish any false statement or report […]
(a) It shall be unlawful for any officer, director, agent, or employee of any bank to certify any check drawn upon the bank unless the person drawing the check has on deposit with the bank, at the time the check is certified, an amount of money not less than the amount specified in the check. […]