§ 23-102-101. Short title
This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Arkansas Earthquake Authority Act”.
This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Arkansas Earthquake Authority Act”.
(a) The threat of or the actual occurrence of a major earthquake poses serious consequences for the State of Arkansas and its citizens. Of particular concern is the magnitude of damage to residential homeowner and farmowner dwellings and whether or not these structures are adequately insured. (b) The market for residential earthquake insurance within the […]
As used in this chapter: (1) “Authority” means the Arkansas Earthquake Authority; (2) “Board” means the Board of the Arkansas Earthquake Authority; (3) “Commissioner” means the Insurance Commissioner; (4) “Event” means an earthquake and all subsequent earthquakes occurring within the following seventy-two-hour period; (5) “Insurer” means all property insurers as defined in § 23-62-104 and […]
(a) There is created a nonprofit legal entity to be known as the “Arkansas Earthquake Authority”. The authority shall operate subject to the supervision and control of the Board of the Arkansas Earthquake Authority. The authority is created as a political subdivision, instrumentality, and body politic of the State of Arkansas and, as such, is […]
(a) The Arkansas Earthquake Authority shall operate subject to the supervision and control of the Board of the Arkansas Earthquake Authority. There shall be a board of seven (7) members to be appointed by the Insurance Commissioner, which shall meet at least annually to review and prescribe operating rules. The commissioner shall apportion the number […]
There is no liability on the part of and no cause of action of any nature may arise against any participating insurer, the Arkansas Earthquake Authority’s agents or employees, the Board of the Arkansas Earthquake Authority, or the Insurance Commissioner or his or her representatives for any act or omission in the performance of their […]
(a) (1) The Board of the Arkansas Earthquake Authority shall adopt a plan of operation pursuant to this chapter and shall submit to the Insurance Commissioner for approval the plan of operation, including the Arkansas Earthquake Authority’s bylaws and operating rules and any amendments thereto necessary or suitable to assure the fair, reasonable, and equitable […]
(a) The Board of the Arkansas Earthquake Authority shall have the general powers and authority granted under the laws of the State of Arkansas and in addition thereto, the specific authority to: (1) Enter into contracts as are necessary or proper to carry out the provisions and purposes of this chapter; (2) Assess insurers pursuant […]
(a) The Board of the Arkansas Earthquake Authority shall develop and implement a Market Assistance Program to assist insureds in procuring residential earthquake coverage in the voluntary market. This shall be accomplished by providing those seeking residential earthquake coverage with a list of insurers participating in the program. (b) Insurers may participate in the program […]
(a) As long as the Market Assistance Program has at least one (1) approved insurer, no residential earthquake coverage shall be issued by the Arkansas Earthquake Authority, except as provided in subsection (b) of this section. (b) If there are no approved insurers in the program or if after notice and hearing, the Board of […]
(a) The Board of the Arkansas Earthquake Authority may either appoint an Executive Director of the Arkansas Earthquake Authority or may select a Plan Administrator of the Arkansas Earthquake Authority. If an executive director is chosen, he or she shall hire all staff necessary to enable him or her to discharge the duties imposed under […]
(a) Rates. (1) The Arkansas Earthquake Authority shall establish rates for plan coverage. These rates and rating schedules may be adjusted for appropriate factors such as geographical variation in claim costs, retrofitting, and other mitigation efforts and shall take into consideration appropriate factors in accordance with established actuarial and underwriting practices. (2) The rates charged […]
(a) The Arkansas Earthquake Authority shall offer a residential earthquake policy with dwelling coverage in amounts up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000). (b) Coverage for personal property and additional living expenses shall be provided as determined by the Board of the Arkansas Earthquake Authority in the plan of operation. (c) The applicable deductible for […]
(a) Existing Policyholders. (1) (A) Insurers writing homeowner, farmowner, fire and allied lines, excluding commercial policies and crop hail, shall notify policyholders who do not maintain residential earthquake insurance or who maintain residential earthquake insurance at amounts less than one hundred percent (100%) of the insured value of the dwelling, of their potential eligibility for […]
Any applicant for a policy, any persons insured under the Market Assistance Program or the Arkansas Earthquake Authority, and any agency or insurer affected by the program or authority may appeal to the Insurance Commissioner any ruling or decision of the Board of the Arkansas Earthquake Authority, and the commissioner may consider the appeal under […]
The Insurance Commissioner is authorized to promulgate such reasonable rules as are necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter.
In the event a federal or multistate catastrophic insurance or reinsurance program intended to serve purposes similar to the purposes of the Market Assistance Program or the Arkansas Earthquake Authority is created, the Board of the Arkansas Earthquake Authority shall promptly take appropriate actions to coordinate with the federal or multistate program to the extent […]
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, neither the Arkansas Earthquake Authority nor its policyholders shall be subject to the provisions of or be eligible for the benefits provided by the Arkansas Property and Casualty Insurance Guaranty Act, § 23-90-101 et seq.
Upon termination of the Arkansas Earthquake Authority by the General Assembly or the Insurance Commissioner, its remaining funds shall be transferred to the State Insurance Department Trust Fund unless otherwise directed by the General Assembly.