(a) There may be a provision as follows: (b) In lieu of the provision in subsection (a) of this section, there may be a provision as follows: “Other Insurance in This Insurer: If an accident or sickness or accident and sickness policy or policies previously issued by the insurer to the insured is in force […]
(a) There may be a provision as follows: (b) (1) The policy provision in subsection (a) of this section may be inserted only in a policy which the insured has the right to continue in force subject to its terms by the timely payment of premiums until at least fifty (50) years of age, or […]
There may be a provision as follows: “Unpaid Premiums: Upon the payment of a claim under this policy, any premium then due and unpaid or covered by any note or written order may be deducted therefrom.”
There may be a provision as follows: “Conformity with State Statutes: Any provision of this policy which, on its effective date, is in conflict with the statutes of the state, District of Columbia, or territory in which the insured resides on such date is amended to conform to the minimum requirements of such statutes.”
There may be a provision as follows: “Illegal Occupation: The insurer shall not be liable for any loss to which a contributing cause was the insured’s commission of or attempt to commit a felony or to which a contributing cause was the insured’s being engaged in an illegal occupation.”
There may be a provision as follows: “Intoxicants and Controlled Substances: The insurer shall not be liable for any loss sustained or contracted in consequence of the insured’s being intoxicated or under the influence of any controlled substance unless administered on the advice of a physician.”
The provisions which are the subject of §§ 23-85-106 — 23-85-126, or any corresponding provisions which are used in lieu thereof in accordance with the sections, shall be printed in the consecutive order of the provisions in such sections. At the option of the insurer, any such provision may appear as a unit in any […]
(a) Accident and health insurance policies in which the insurer reserves the right to refuse renewal on an individual basis shall provide in substance in a provision thereof, in an endorsement thereon, or rider attached thereto that, subject to the right to terminate the policy for nonpayment of premium when due, the right to refuse […]
(a) Any policy of a foreign or alien insurer, when delivered or issued for delivery to any person in this state, may contain any provision which is not less favorable to the insured or the beneficiary than the provisions of this chapter and which is prescribed or required by the law of the state or […]
(a) No policy provision which is not subject to this section and §§ 23-85-101 — 23-85-129 and 23-85-131 shall make a policy, or any portion thereof, less favorable in any respect to the insured or the beneficiary than the provisions thereof which are subject to this section and §§ 23-85-101 — 23-85-129 and 23-85-131. (b) […]
(a) If any policy contains a provision establishing, as an age limit or otherwise, a date after which the coverage provided by the policy will not be effective and if the date falls within a period for which premium is accepted by the insurer or if the insurer accepts a premium after the date, the […]
(a) No contract of individual accident and health insurance or health coverage sold, delivered, or issued for delivery or offered for sale in this state by an insurer, hospital and medical service corporation, or health maintenance organization, directly or indirectly providing indemnity services, healthcare services, or cash to an individual as a result of hospitalization, […]
(a) (1) No policy or contract of accident and health insurance, including contracts issued by hospital and medical service corporations, that provides coverage for any of the following services when delivered on an inpatient basis shall be sold, delivered, or issued for delivery or offered for sale in this state unless the identical coverage for […]
(a) Upon the death of an insured, the proceeds payable to the insured or his or her estate under the policy of individual accident and health insurance, delivered or issued for delivery in this state after June 17, 1981, shall include premiums paid for accident and health insurance coverage for the insured for any period […]
(a) All accident and health insurers transacting business in this state shall use Form HCFA 1500 and Form UB-92/HCFA 1450, or the claim format required by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104-191, as the standard claim forms until and unless the Insurance Commissioner prescribes otherwise. (b) Pursuant to […]
(a) All accident and health insurance companies doing business in this state shall include, as a covered expense, in vitro fertilization. (b) Pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Arkansas Insurance Code, the Insurance Commissioner may suspend or revoke the certificate of authority of any insurance company failing to comply with the provisions of this […]
(a) No insurer issuing or renewing policies pursuant to this chapter or conversion policies issued pursuant to § 23-86-115 shall unilaterally change the premium payment mode for the policyholder or payor unless the insurer provides written notice of the effective date of the premium payment mode change to the policyholder or payor at least sixty […]
(a) As used in this section: (1) “Maintenance of certification” means any process requiring periodic recertification examinations or other activities to maintain specialty medical certification; and (2) “Specialty medical board certification” means a certification by a board that: (A) Specializes in one (1) particular area of medicine; and (B) Typically requires examinations that are in […]