§ 23-86-501. Title
This subchapter shall be known and cited as the “Small Employer Health Insurance Purchasing Group Act of 2001”.
This subchapter shall be known and cited as the “Small Employer Health Insurance Purchasing Group Act of 2001”.
As used in this subchapter: (1) “Commissioner” means the Insurance Commissioner; (2) “Eligible employee” means an employee or individual who is a full-time employee of an eligible employer and is qualified to enroll in a health benefit plan offered through a health insurance purchasing group; (3) “Eligible employer” means an employer employing no more than […]
(a) Each health insurance purchasing group shall be a nonprofit corporation operated under the direction of a board of directors that is composed of five (5) representatives of eligible employers. (b) (1) (A) Each health insurance purchasing group shall be composed of at least five hundred (500) eligible employees from one (1) or more eligible […]
(a) (1) In conjunction with a health insurance purchasing group health carrier, each health insurance purchasing group that offers health benefit plans to small employers as defined by § 23-86-303 shall guarantee the availability of coverage to small employers as required by § 23-86-312(a). (2) All health benefit plans provided through a health insurance purchasing […]
In each sale of a health benefits plan to a proposed eligible employer through a health insurance purchasing group in which the health insurance purchasing group offers an option to an eligible employer to obtain a health benefits plan that, either in whole or in part, does not provide state-mandated health benefits or does not […]
(a) (1) Each health insurance purchasing group may provide administrative services for its members. (2) The services may include, but are not limited to, accounting, billing, enrollment information, and employee coverage status reports. (b) The health insurance purchasing group may delegate or contract its billing and other administrative duties to a third-party administrator as defined […]
Each health insurance purchasing group shall file forms as may be described by rules of the Insurance Commissioner.
(a) A member of a board of directors of a health insurance purchasing group shall not serve as an employee or paid consultant to the health insurance purchasing group but may receive reasonable reimbursement for travel expenses for purposes of attending meetings of the board or committees thereof. (b) An individual is not eligible to […]
(a) Nothing in this subchapter shall be construed as preventing one (1) or more health insurance purchasing groups serving different areas, whether or not contiguous, from providing for some or all of the following through a single administrative organization or otherwise: (1) Coordinating the offering of the same or similar health benefits coverage in different […]
(a) The health insurance purchasing group may determine what rating characteristics it will allow in the health benefit plan, including, but not limited to, age, sex, industry, geography, or health. (b) If health is used as a rating characteristic, then the rates for the size groups two through twenty-five (2-25) will be subject to the […]
The Insurance Commissioner may promulgate rules necessary to implement the provisions of this subchapter.
No health insurance purchasing group health carrier shall be required to offer health insurance purchasing group health benefits plans or health benefits plans not subject to state-mandated health benefits to nonhealth insurance purchasing group organizations, associations, or employer groups, including, but not limited to, the small employer health insurance group marketplace in this state.