§ 23-99-601. Short title
This subchapter shall be cited as the “Dental Point of Service Act”.
This subchapter shall be cited as the “Dental Point of Service Act”.
The General Assembly finds that the quality of dental care is improved through patient choice among dentists and that utilization of dentists varies less than utilization of other providers. Patients should have the freedom to go to dentists outside their managed care network when the carrier is not required to pay the dentist more than […]
As used in this subchapter: (1) “Commissioner” means the Insurance Commissioner; (2) “Covered person” means a person covered by a health plan including an enrollee, subscriber, policyholder, beneficiary of a group plan, or individual covered by any other health plan; (3) “Dentist” means a person licensed under the Arkansas Dental Practice Act, § 17-82-101 et […]
(a) Every health plan which provides dental benefits issued, renewed, extended, or modified by a health carrier shall also include a point-of-service option which provides benefits to covered persons through dentists who are not members of the health carrier’s provider network. (b) (1) The benefits offered under this option shall be the same as those […]
Within one hundred twenty (120) days of July 30, 1999, the Insurance Commissioner shall promulgate necessary rules for carrying out this subchapter, giving maximum possible effect to the General Assembly’s intent to promote quality medical care through increased choice.
The Insurance Commissioner shall enforce this subchapter, using the powers granted to the commissioner elsewhere in the Arkansas Insurance Code.
In any legal proceeding in which the validity of this subchapter is challenged, the Attorney General shall defend the subchapter regardless of the state agency or official named as an official party.
This subchapter applies to health plans issued, renewed, extended, or modified by a health carrier on or after July 30, 1999. “Renewed, extended, or modified” shall include a change in premium or other financial term.