(a) The state’s any willing provider laws shall not be construed: (1) To require all physicians or a percentage of physicians in the state or a locale to participate in the provision of services for a health maintenance organization; or (2) To take away the authority of health maintenance organizations that provide coverage of physician […]
As used in this subchapter: (1) “Any willing provider law” means a law that prohibits discrimination against a provider willing to meet the terms and conditions for participation established by a health insurer or that otherwise precludes an insurer from prohibiting or limiting participation by a provider who is willing to accept a health insurer’s […]
The Insurance Commissioner shall: (1) Enforce the state’s any willing provider laws using powers granted to the commissioner in the Arkansas Insurance Code; and (2) Be entitled to seek an injunction against a health insurer in a court of competent jurisdiction.
(a) A healthcare provider, including without limitation a physician, nurse, pharmacist, dentist, physical therapist, physician assistant, or any other healthcare provider licensed and in good standing with the state licensing board responsible for the licensing of the healthcare provider, shall not be excluded from contracting with a health insurer, third-party administrator, pharmacy benefits manager, or […]