§ 26-23-201. Title
This act shall be referred to as the “Arkansas Property Taxpayer Bill of Rights”.
This act shall be referred to as the “Arkansas Property Taxpayer Bill of Rights”.
The following procedures shall be employed to ensure taxpayers receive adequate notice of value changes: (1) (A) Countywide reappraisals of real property shall be completed no later than July 1 of the year in which the countywide reappraisal is scheduled to be completed. (B) Original valuations of newly discovered and newly constructed real property shall […]
In order to assist property taxpayers to better understand their property tax bills, the following information shall be included on each tax bill sent by the county collector: (1) The dollar amount of the taxpayer’s total tax bill distributed to each taxing unit in the county where the taxpayer’s property is taxed; (2) The millage […]