It shall not be necessary to the validity of an assessment or of a sale of land for taxes that it be assessed to its true owner. Rather, the taxes shall be a charge upon the real and personal property taxed and, when sold, shall vest the title in the purchaser without regard to who […]
The personal property of any deceased person shall be liable in the hands of any executor or administrator for any tax due on the same by any testator or intestate.
All suits which may be brought under the provisions of this section and § 26-34-107 shall be conducted by the Attorney General as other suits brought in the name of the State of Arkansas.
No suit shall be brought for the recovery of overdue taxes accruing because of the underassessment of tangible personal and real property resulting from an error of the county assessor after three (3) years from the date on which the taxes should have been collected in regular course.
No suit shall be brought for the recovery of unpaid and overdue taxes accruing because of underassessment of intangible property after seven (7) years from the date on which the taxes should have been in regular course collected.
After the assessment and full payment of any general property, privilege, or excise tax, no proceedings shall be brought or maintained for the reassessment of the value on which the tax is based, except for actual fraud of the taxpayer. Failure to assess taxes as required by law shall be prima facie evidence of fraud.