(a) When an estate in land shall be conveyed to a person and his or her intended spouse, or to the intended spouse alone, or to any person in trust for the person and his or her intended spouse, or in trust for the spouse alone, for the purpose of erecting a jointure for the […]
If, before the marriage, but without a spouse’s assent, or if, after the marriage, land shall be given or assured for the jointure of a spouse or a pecuniary provision shall be made for the spouse in lieu of dower or curtesy, the spouse shall make an election whether the spouse will take the jointure […]
If land is devised to a spouse, or a pecuniary or other provision is made for a spouse by will in lieu of dower or curtesy, the spouse shall make an election whether he or she will take the land so devised, or the provision so made, or whether he or she will be endowed […]
If any spouse shall devise and bequeath to the other spouse any portion of his or her real estate of which he or she died seized, it shall be deemed and taken in lieu of dower or curtesy, as the case may be, out of the estate of the deceased spouse, unless the testator shall, […]
Every jointure, devise, and pecuniary provision, in lieu of dower or curtesy, shall be forfeited by the spouse for whose benefit it shall be made, in the same cases in which the spouse would forfeit his or her dower or curtesy, as the case may be. Upon such a forfeiture, any estate so conveyed for […]