All marriage contracts whereby any estate, real or personal, is intended to be secured or conveyed to any person, or whereby the estate may be affected in law or equity, shall be in writing acknowledged by each of the contracting parties or proved by one (1) or more subscribing witnesses.
Marriage contracts shall be acknowledged or proven before a court of record, before some judge or clerk of a court of record, or before any former judge of a court of record who served at least four (4) years, of the state in which the contract is made and executed, which acknowledgment or proof shall […]
(a) Every marriage contract whereby any real estate is conveyed or secured shall be recorded with the certificate of proof or acknowledgment in the office of the clerk and recorder of every county in which any estate intended to be affected or conveyed shall be situated. (b) When a marriage contract is deposited with the […]
No marriage contract shall be valid or affect property, except between the parties thereto and those who have actual notice thereof, until it shall be deposited for record with the clerk and recorder of the county where the real estate is situated.
(a) Marriage contracts duly proved or acknowledged, certified, or recorded shall be received as evidence in any court of record of this state, without further proof of their execution. (b) When it shall appear to a court that any marriage contract duly acknowledged or proved and recorded is lost or is not in the power […]