Nothing in this subchapter shall be construed to release the plaintiff from any legal obligation the plaintiff may be under to support the defendant out of the plaintiff’s estate, the same as if this subchapter had not been enacted.
(a) (1) Any person owning lands in this state and whose spouse is adjudged insane may apply by petition to the circuit court of the county where the lands are situated for leave to sell the real estate, or any part thereof, discharged and unencumbered of the rights of dower or curtesy of the spouse. […]
(a) Upon the hearing of the petition, if the court deems it to be in the best interest of the parties that the land be sold, it may make an order that the plaintiff may sell the land free and discharged and unencumbered of the right of dower or curtesy, as the case may be. […]
(a) (1) Any person owning lands in this state whose spouse is adjudged permanently insane may apply by petition to the circuit court of the county where the lands or the greater part thereof are situated to have a life estate in a part of the lands set apart to the spouse in lieu of […]