(a) At any time after return from deployment, a temporary agreement granting custodial responsibility under Article 2 may be terminated by an agreement to terminate signed by the deploying parent and the other parent. (b) A temporary agreement under Article 2 granting custodial responsibility terminates: (1) if an agreement to terminate under subsection (a) specifies […]
At any time after a deploying parent returns from deployment, the deploying parent and the other parent may file with the court an agreement to terminate a temporary order for custodial responsibility issued under Article 3. After an agreement has been filed, the court shall issue an order terminating the temporary order effective on the […]
After a deploying parent returns from deployment until a temporary agreement or order for custodial responsibility established under Article 2 or 3 is terminated, the court shall issue a temporary order granting the deploying parent reasonable contact with the child unless it is contrary to the best interest of the child, even if the time […]
(a) If an agreement between the parties to terminate a temporary order for custodial responsibility under Article 3 has not been filed, the order terminates sixty (60) days after the deploying parent gives notice to the other parent and any nonparent granted custodial responsibility that the deploying parent has returned from deployment. (b) A proceeding […]