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Home » US Law » 2020 Arkansas Code » Title 9 - Family Law » Subtitle 2 - Domestic Relations » Chapter 9 - Adoption » Subchapter 2 - Revised Uniform Adoption Act

§ 9-9-202. Definitions

As used in this subchapter, unless the context otherwise requires: (1) “Child” means a son or daughter, whether by birth or by adoption; (2) “Court” means all probate divisions of circuit courts in this state, or the juvenile divisions of circuit courts when exercising jurisdiction over adoption cases pursuant to §§ 9-27-301 — 9-27-339, 9-27-340 […]

§ 9-9-204. Who may adopt

The following individuals may adopt: (1) A husband and wife together although one (1) or both are minors; (2) An unmarried adult; (3) The unmarried father or mother of the individual to be adopted; (4) A married individual without the other spouse joining as a petitioner, if the individual to be adopted is not his […]

§ 9-9-207. Persons as to whom consent not required

(a) Consent to adoption is not required of: (1) a parent who has deserted a child without affording means of identification or who has abandoned a child; (2) a parent of a child in the custody of another, if the parent for a period of at least one (1) year has failed significantly without justifiable […]

§ 9-9-208. How consent is executed

(a) The required consent to adoption shall be executed at any time after the birth of the child and in the manner following: (1) If by the individual to be adopted, in the presence of the court; (2) If by an agency, by the executive head or other authorized representative, in the presence of a […]

§ 9-9-209. Withdrawal of consent

(a) A consent to adoption cannot be withdrawn after the entry of a decree of adoption. (b) (1) A consent to adopt may be withdrawn within ten (10) calendar days, or, if a waiver of the ten-day period is elected under subdivision (b)(3) of this section, five (5) calendar days after it is signed or […]

§ 9-9-210. Petition for adoption

(a) A petition for adoption signed and verified by the petitioner shall be filed with the clerk of the court, and state: (1) The date and place of birth of the individual to be adopted, if known; (2) The name to be used for the individual to be adopted; (3) The date the petitioner: (A) […]

§ 9-9-211. Report of petitioner’s expenditures

(a) Except as specified in subsection (b) of this section, the petitioner, in any proceeding for the adoption of a minor, shall file, before the petition is heard, a full accounting report in a manner acceptable to the court of all disbursements of anything of value made or agreed to be made by or on […]

§ 9-9-212. Hearing on petition — Requirements

(a) (1) Before any hearing on a petition, the period in which the relinquishment may be withdrawn under § 9-9-220 or in which consent may be withdrawn under § 9-9-209, whichever is applicable, must have expired. (2) No orders of adoption, interlocutory or final, may be entered prior to the period for withdrawal. (3) After […]

§ 9-9-213. Required residence of minor

(a) A final decree of adoption shall not be issued and an interlocutory decree of adoption does not become final until the minor to be adopted, other than a stepchild of the petitioner, has lived in the home for at least six (6) months after placement by an agency or for at least six (6) […]

§ 9-9-214. Appearance — Continuance — Disposition of petition

(a) The petitioner and the individual to be adopted shall appear at the hearing on the petition, unless the presence of either is excused by the court for good cause shown. (b) The court may continue the hearing from time to time to permit further observation, investigation, or consideration of any facts or circumstances affecting […]

§ 9-9-215. Effect of decree of adoption

(a) A final decree of adoption and an interlocutory decree of adoption which has become final, whether issued by a court of this state or of any other place, have the following effect as to matters within the jurisdiction or before a court of this state: (1) Except with respect to a spouse of the […]

§ 9-9-216. Appeal from and validation of adoption decree

(a) An appeal from any final order or decree rendered under this subchapter may be taken in the manner and time provided for appeal from a judgment in a civil action. (b) Subject to the disposition of an appeal, upon the expiration of one (1) year after an adoption decree is issued, the decree cannot […]

§ 9-9-217. Confidentiality of hearings and records

(a) Notwithstanding any other law concerning public hearings and records: (1) (A) All hearings held in proceedings under this subchapter shall be held in closed court without admittance of any person other than essential officers of the court, the parties, their witnesses, counsel, persons who have not previously consented to the adoption but are required […]

§ 9-9-218. Recognition of foreign decrees affecting adoption

A decree of court terminating the relationship of parent and child or establishing the relationship by adoption issued pursuant to due process of law by a court of any other jurisdiction within or without the United States shall be recognized in this state. The rights and obligations of the parties as to matters within the […]

§ 9-9-219. Application for new birth record

Upon entry of a final decree of adoption or an interlocutory decree of adoption that does not require a subsequent hearing, the clerk of the court shall prepare an application for a birth record in the new name of the adopted individual and forward the application to the appropriate vital statistics office of the place, […]

§ 9-9-220. Relinquishment and termination of parent and child relationship

(a) With the exception of the duty to pay child support, the rights of a parent with reference to a child, including parental right to control the child or to withhold consent to an adoption, may be relinquished and the relationship of parent and child terminated in or prior to an adoption proceeding as provided […]