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§ 17-11-47. Disposition of proceeds; additional bonds

The proceeds of bonds issued under this chapter shall be paid into a special fund or funds in banks qualified to act as depositories in such regional area, county or city, and may be deposited, invested, and disbursed as set out in the agreements relating to such approved project. The proceeds of such bonds shall […]

§ 17-11-49. Interim certificates authorized

In anticipation of the issuance of the definitive bonds authorized by this chapter, any such county or city may issue interim certificates. Such interim certificates shall be in such form, contain such terms, conditions or provisions, bear such date or dates, and evidence such agreement or agreements, relating to their discharge by payment or by […]

§ 17-11-5. Declaration of purpose

The Gulf Regional District is hereby created as an agency and instrumentality of the State of Mississippi for the purpose of encouraging the voluntary association of local communities and political entities of the state within the region, and for the purpose of acting as a unified coordinating unit structured to solve common areawide problems by […]

§ 17-11-53. District is a state agency and instrumentality

The district is an agency and instrumentality of the state and shall be and remain an agency of the state at all times while acting at the request of and for and on behalf of any public agency in the performance of a governmental function, and shall have the same immunity from all actions as […]

§ 17-11-55. Suits involving district and associated members

The district and all associated members thereof shall be vested with the power to enforce in chancery court by mandamus, in addition to the equitable remedies available in such courts, all legal rights or rights of action of the district or associated county or city with any public agency, corporation, or person, and for such […]

§ 17-11-57. Appeals

Any person aggrieved by a judgment or decision of the governing body of the district or of an associated county or city involved in an approved project, may appeal therefrom within ten days from the date thereof to the chancery court of any county within the district having jurisdiction of the subject matter, and may […]

§ 17-11-59. Limitations

Notwithstanding the powers and authority conferred on the district by this chapter, it is not the intent of this chapter to limit, abridge, restrict, or curtail any existing power granted to any municipality by law, but to provide a vehicle through which municipalities may more effectively perform their governmental and corporate functions, and the provisions […]

§ 17-11-7. Composition of governing body of district; terms of office

The governing body of the district shall consist of: The presidents of the boards of supervisors of each county and the mayors of each city within the region electing to associate as a member of the district, each to serve a term concurrent with their respective elective terms of office. In event of the inability […]

§ 17-11-9. Oath of office

All voting members of the governing body of the district shall be qualified electors within the region, and, except as to those members who already hold public office under the laws of this state, shall take the oath of office required under Section 268 of the Constitution of the State of Mississippi.