All nominations for state, district, county and county district officers made by the different parties of this state shall be made by primary elections. All primary elections shall be governed and regulated by the election laws of the state in force at the time the primary election is held.
Candidates for state, state district and legislative offices shall be voted for and nominated by all the counties or parts of counties within their respective districts, and all the district nominations shall be under the supervision and control of the state executive committee of the respective political parties, which committees shall discharge in respect to […]
When any person has qualified in the manner provided by law as a candidate for party nomination in any primary election, such person shall have the right to withdraw his or her name as a candidate by giving notice of his or her withdrawal in writing to the secretary of the proper executive committee at […]
All political parties registered with the Secretary of State shall notify the Secretary of State in writing within two (2) working days of each qualifying deadline of the name, mailing address and office sought of all candidates for statewide, state district and legislative office who have submitted qualifying papers to the political party on or […]
All candidates upon entering the race for party nominations for office shall first pay to the proper officer as provided for in Section 23-15-299 for each primary election and all independent candidates and special election candidates shall pay to the proper officer as provided for in Section 23-15-299 the following amounts: Candidates for Governor, One […]
Assessments made pursuant to paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of Section 23-15-297 shall be paid by each candidate who seeks a nomination in the political party election to the secretary of the state executive committee with which the candidate is affiliated by 5:00 p.m. on March 1 of the year in which the primary election […]
Any candidate for any municipal, county or county district office shall be a resident of the municipality, county, county district or other territory that he or she seeks to represent in such office for two (2) years immediately preceding the day of election. The provisions of this section shall not apply to any municipality with […]
All the expenses of printing the tickets or primary election ballots, for necessary stationery, and for paying the managers, clerks and returning officer of every primary election authorized by this chapter held in any county shall be paid by the board of supervisors of such county out of the general funds of the county, but […]
When two (2) or more political parties or political organizations are holding primary elections, each shall be conducted entirely independent of the other but at the same time.
The candidate who received the majority number of votes cast for the office which he seeks shall thereby become the nominee of his party for such office and no person shall be declared to be the nominee of his party unless and until he has received a majority of the votes cast for such office, […]
The name of any candidate shall not be placed upon the official ballot in general elections as a party nominee who is not nominated as herein provided, and the election of any party nominee who shall be nominated otherwise than as provided in this chapter shall be void and he or she shall not be […]
Nominations for all municipal officers which are elective shall be made at a primary election, or elections, to be held in the manner prescribed by law. All persons desiring to be candidates for the nomination in the primary elections shall first pay Ten Dollars ($10.00) to the clerk of the municipality, at least sixty (60) […]
All the expenses of printing the tickets, paying the poll managers, clerks and returning officer of a municipal primary election shall be paid by the municipality from the general funds thereof, but such officers of primary elections shall receive only such compensation as is authorized by law or ordinance to be paid poll managers, clerks […]
If there be any political party, or parties, in any municipality which shall not have a party executive committee for such municipality, such political party, or parties, shall within thirty (30) days of the date for which a candidate for a municipal office is required to qualify in that municipality select qualified electors of that […]
The county executive committee chairman shall publish a copy of his call for a meeting in some newspaper published at least once per week in the municipality affected for three (3) weeks preceding the date set for the mass convention, or if there be no newspaper published in the municipality, then in some newspaper having […]
If any person nominated for office in a primary election shall die, be removed after his or her nomination or withdraw or resign from his or her candidacy for a legitimate nonpolitical reason as defined in this section, and the vacancy in nomination shall occur between the primary election and the ensuing general election, then […]
All the provisions of this subarticle as far as practicable shall apply to and regulate primary elections for the nomination of elective municipal offices. Candidates for the nomination of such municipal offices shall file with the clerk of the city, village or town, the affidavits and reports required of candidates for party nominations to any […]