For purposes of this chapter, the term “office of general services” shall mean the Governor’s office of general services acting through the bureau of surplus property. Wherever the term “surplus property procurement commission” appears in the laws of the State of Mississippi, it shall be construed to mean the Governor’s office of general services.
In lieu of regular appropriations, the Department of Finance and Administration may assess against each institution, agency or individual acquiring surplus property from and through the Department of Finance and Administration a fee or commission on each item in sufficient amount to establish and maintain a revolving fund, to be used to operate and support […]
The Office of General Services shall furnish to the State Auditor of Public Accounts copies of transfers of property to state boards, commissions and agencies on all property transferred to such agencies, federal reviews, in addition to an inventory on all furniture, equipment, machinery and vehicles used by the Office of General Services in carrying […]
The Office of General Services with the approval of the Public Procurement Review Board shall negotiate and contract with any appropriate agency or commission of the United States government or of the State of Mississippi for the purpose of purchasing or otherwise securing surplus material or property in bulk lots or quantities, and for the […]
All laws or parts of laws requiring the various state institutions, departments, and agencies, the boards of supervisors of the various counties, and the governing authorities of the various municipalities, drainage districts, and other taxing units to advertise or request and receive bids for the purchase of furniture, equipment, supplies, and other commodities are hereby […]