Any inflammation, swelling or redness in either or both eyes of any infant, either apart from or together with any unnatural discharge from the eye or eyes of any such infant, independent of the nature of the infection, if any occurring, any time within two (2) weeks after birth of such infant, shall be known […]
The failure of any person to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter shall constitute a misdemeanor. The offender shall, on conviction thereof, be fined for the first offense not to exceed Fifty Dollars $(50.00), for the second offense, not to exceed One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), and for the third offense and thereafter, […]
It shall be the duty of any physician, surgeon, obstetrician, midwife, nurse, maternity home or hospital of any nature, parent, relative or other person attendant on or assisting in any way whatsoever, any infant, or the mother of any infant, at childbirth, or at any time within two (2) weeks after childbirth, knowing the condition […]
It shall be the duty of the local health officer: (1) to investigate or to have investigated each case of inflammation of the eyes of the new born as filed with him, in pursuance of the law, and any other such case as may come to his attention; (2) to report all cases of inflammation […]
It shall be the duty of the State Board of Health: (1) To enforce the provisions of this chapter; (2) to promulgate such rules and regulations as shall, under this chapter, be necessary for the purpose under this chapter, and such as the State Board of Health may deem necessary for the further and proper […]
It shall be the duty of the physicians, midwives, or other persons in attendance upon a case of childbirth in a maternity home, hospital, public or charitable institution, in every infant immediately after birth, to use some prophylactic against inflammation of the eyes of the new born and to make record of the prophylactic used. […]