There is hereby established a standing committee on interstate cooperation of the senate, to consist of five senators. The members and chairman of this committee shall be designated in the same manner as is customary in the case of the members and chairmen of other standing committees of the senate.
The commission on interstate cooperation shall report to the governor and to the legislature within fifteen days after the convening of each regular legislative session, and at such other times as it deems appropriate. Its members shall serve without compensation.
The standing committees on interstate cooperation of the senate and the house of representatives, shall function during the regular sessions of the legislature and also during the interim periods between such sessions. Their members shall serve until their successors are designated. They shall respectively constitute the senate and house councils of the American Legislators’ Association […]
The secretary of state shall forthwith communicate the text of this measure to the governor, to the senate, and to the house of representatives of each of the other states of the union, and memorialize each legislature which has not already done so, to enact a law similar to this measure, thus establishing a similar […]
The legislature may appropriate any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this chapter.
There is hereby established a standing committee on interstate cooperation of the house of representatives, to consist of five members. The members and chairman of this committee shall be designated in the same manner as is customary in the case of the members and chairmen of other standing committees of the house of representatives.
There is hereby established the Mississippi Commission on Interstate Cooperation, which shall encourage and arrange conferences with officials of other states and of other units of government; carry forward the participation of this state as a member of the council of state governments, both regionally and nationally; and formulate proposals for cooperation between this state […]
The commission on interstate cooperation shall be composed of eleven members, namely; The five members of the committee on interstate cooperation of the senate, The five members of the committee on interstate cooperation of the house of representatives, and The governor.
The commission on interstate cooperation may provide such rules as it considers appropriate concerning the membership and the functioning of the committee. Members of the commission shall be compensated by a per diem as is authorized by law for each day spent in actual discharge of their duties and shall be reimbursed for mileage and […]