Any two (2) or more local governmental units, being defined herein to mean a county or municipality, may create a joint water management district in the manner set forth in this chapter. If any local governmental unit is located within an existing water management district, then the local governmental unit shall petition the district to […]
Upon the making of such finding, the governing body of each interested local governmental unit shall publish the finding accompanied by the initial resolution specified in Section 51-8-5 in the manner provided in Section 19-5-157. If twenty percent (20%) or fifteen hundred (1500), whichever is lesser, of the qualified electors of a local governmental unit […]
If no petition requiring an election be filed or if three-fifths (3/5) of those voting in said election vote in favor of the creation of such district, the governing body of such local governmental unit shall adopt a resolution creating the district as described in the initial resolution specified in Section 51-8-5.
All costs incident to the publication of the notices and all other costs incident to the public hearing and election provided in Sections 51-8-7 and 51-8-11 may be paid by the applicable governing body.
Any party having an interest in the subject matter and aggrieved or prejudiced by the findings and adjudication of the applicable governing body may appeal to the circuit court of the county in the manner provided by law for appeals from orders of such bodies. However, if no such appeal be taken within a period […]
From and after the date of adoption of the resolution creating a joint water management district, such district shall be a public corporation in perpetuity in its corporate name and shall, in that name, be a body politic and corporate with power of perpetual succession.
The powers of each such district shall be vested in and exercised by a board of commissioners consisting of a minimum of five (5) members, to be selected in the manner provided in the initial resolution prescribed by Section 51-8-5. Provided, however, there shall be at least one (1) member from each county within the […]
The board of commissioners shall organize by electing one (1) of its members as chairman and another as vice chairman. It shall be the duty of the chairman to preside at all meetings of the board and to act as the chief executive officer of the board and of the district. The vice chairman shall […]
Every resident citizen of a local governmental unit in any district created pursuant to this chapter, of good reputation, being the owner of land or the conductor of a business situated within such district and being over twenty-one (21) years of age and of sound mind and judgment, shall be eligible to hold the office […]
The board of commissioners shall have the power to adopt, promulgate, modify and repeal, and to make exceptions to and grant exemptions and variances from, and to enforce, rules and regulations to effectuate the purposes of the creation of the district, provided that such regulations shall conform to and not conflict with regulations promulgated by […]
Districts created under this chapter shall have the powers set out in the creating resolution not inconsistent with the powers set forth in this chapter, and in addition, the power and authority to acquire, construct, reconstruct, improve, better, extend, consolidate, maintain and operate facilities and to contract with any municipality, person, firm or corporation for […]
A joint water management district may be created for the purpose of establishing a water supply system, conserving water resources, developing additional water resources or any other water or wastewater management function not being performed by an existing water management district, except that such a district as described in Section 51-8-1 may not be created […]
Any district created pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, acting by and through the board of commissioners of such district as its governing authority, shall have, among others, the following powers: To sue and be sued; To acquire by purchase, gift, devise, lease or any other mode of acquisition, and to hold or dispose […]
The board of commissioners may exercise, on behalf of the district, such powers of eminent domain as are specified in the creating resolution wherever and whenever public necessity and convenience so requires.
Any such district shall have the power to provide funds for the purpose of constructing, acquiring, reconstructing, improving, bettering or extending the facilities of such district or for the purpose of buying, leasing or otherwise acquiring the assets and facilities of any nonprofit, nonshare corporation chartered under Title 79, Chapter 11, or any other utility […]
The board of commissioners of any district created pursuant to this chapter may issue revenue or special improvement bonds of such district by resolution spread upon the minutes of such board. Bonds may be issued from time to time without an election being held upon the question of their issuance unless the board of commissioners […]
The bonds issued under this chapter shall be sold for not less than par value plus accrued interest at public sale in the manner provided for in Section 31-19-25, Mississippi Code of 1972; however, bonds may be sold to the United States of America or an agency or instrumentality thereof at private sale. Each interest […]
There is hereby created a statutory lien in the nature of a mortgage lien upon any system or systems acquired or constructed in accordance with this chapter, including all extensions and improvements thereof or combinations thereof subsequently made, which lien shall be in favor of the holder or holders of any bonds issued pursuant to […]
Except as otherwise provided in subsection (2), the governing body of any local governmental unit which is a member of any such district may, according to the terms of the resolution, levy a special tax, not to exceed two (2) mills, on all of the taxable property in such district, the avails of which shall […]
Funds for debt service for special improvement pollution abatement bonds, special improvement water bonds, or special improvement water and sewer bonds issued in lieu of or in conjunction with revenue bonds shall be provided by charges upon the properties benefitted according to procedures set forth in this section. So long as any special improvement bond […]