§ 57-63-1. Short title
This chapter may be cited as the “Statewide Economic Development and Planning Act of 1987.”
This chapter may be cited as the “Statewide Economic Development and Planning Act of 1987.”
The Special Task Force for Economic Development Planning, to consist of not more than twenty-three (23) members, is hereby created. The task force shall be composed of: One (1) member from the state’s public universities and one (1) member from the state’s junior colleges. These members shall be selected by the Governor. One (1) member […]
All persons selected for service on the task force shall be creative, knowledgeable and accomplished people with the capacity to contribute to the mission of the task force. Task force members shall be selected by the Governor without regard for race, age or sex. Vacancies on the task force shall be filled by the Governor […]
The Governor’s Office of General Services shall make available office space for the special task force to include conference room facilities.
The mission and role of the special task force shall be to function as an independent research and analytical group charged with assisting the University Research Center in setting measurable, achievable and significant state economic development goals. The task force shall make recommendations regarding such goals and present findings and detailed recommendations which will enable […]
With research and recommendations prepared by the task force, the Bureau of Comprehensive Long Range Economic Development Planning of the University Research Center shall prepare a long range state economic development action plan which shall consist of six (6) parts as provided in Sections 57-63-21 through 57-63-31 and which shall be revised and updated annually […]
Part I of the economic development plan will identify specific, quantifiable state economic development goals to be accomplished in the next succeeding five (5), ten (10) and twenty (20) year periods. Prior to adopting the goals required for Part I of the plan, one (1) public hearing shall be held in each Planning and Development […]
Part II of the economic development plan shall include: An inventory and analysis of the state’s competitive advantages and an inventory and analysis of factors which tend to retard economic development in Mississippi; Identification and analysis of state, national and international economic trends affecting Mississippi’s economic development; An analysis and evaluation of the state’s taxing […]
Part III of the economic development plan shall provide a procedure for monitoring the implementation of the state’s economic development efforts. In formulating this procedure, the University Research Center will survey, identify and analyze every government program and private resource and activity that is available to, that is being applied toward, or that contributes to […]
Part IV of the economic development plan shall be an analysis and evaluation of materials in Parts II and III of the plan. This phase of the plan shall also make an overall evaluation of the relative contributions that the resources and efforts identified in Part III are making toward achievement of the overall state […]
Part V of the economic development plan shall consist of recommendations. Such recommendations shall be based on Part IV of the plan and shall seek to improve in every possible and feasible manner the coordination and implementation of all activities and programs to be outlined and identified as required in Part III of the plan. […]
The Legislature finds that the prospective well-being of the people of the State of Mississippi requires that the economic development of the state should be strategically, comprehensively and exhaustively planned and that the plan be reviewed and continuously updated and systematically implemented. The Legislature further finds that the state should foster open communication between government […]
The University Research Center shall present the annual revisions of the plan to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee prior to the annual budget hearings and discuss with the joint committee Parts III, IV and V. The presentation shall review the established goals and report and assess progress for the current reporting period of achieving official […]
The University Research Center shall annually request of the Mississippi Municipal Association and the Mississippi Association of Supervisors a summary of development efforts of local governments that relate to the overall state plan and which contribute to the accomplishment of the goals set by the plan.
The first annual economic development plan shall be completed no later than December 1, 1988. The Department of Economic Development with assistance of the University Research Center shall present the first annual plan to the Governor, the joint Legislative Budget Committee and to the Legislature by January 1989. A preliminary report on the status of […]
In an effort to facilitate continuing and future legislative support for long range economic development planning, the Bureau for Economic Development Planning shall present status reports on its work, as it relates to the purpose and requirements of this chapter, to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee, thereby having an opportunity to interact with legislative leaders […]