§ 65-11-1. Title
Sections 65-11-1 through 65-11-37 shall be known as the “County Highway Aid Law of 1946.”
Sections 65-11-1 through 65-11-37 shall be known as the “County Highway Aid Law of 1946.”
The amount of federal funds made available to the State of Mississippi for secondary and feeder roads under the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1944 [58 U. S. Stat. 838, ch. 626] which is allotted to the counties as provided in Section 65-11-9, shall be apportioned among the counties of this state by the State […]
The projects upon such county federal aid highway system shall be selected jointly by the several boards of supervisors and the State Highway Commission in conformity with the applicable laws, rules, and regulations of the federal government and the public roads administration, of the federal works agency, or any other authorized agency of the federal […]
The State Highway Commission shall notify the board of supervisors of each county of the amount of money to be available for expenditure in such county from said federal apportionment, and of the amount of money available from the appropriation made to the State Highway Fund as the state’s share of the federal aid program […]
The board of supervisors of the several counties and the State Highway Commission are hereby authorized and directed to enter into such contracts and cooperative agreements with each other and with any appropriate federal agency that may be necessary to carry out the purposes of Sections 65-11-1 through 65-11-37 and that may be necessary to […]
After the selection and determination of the projects in the manner prescribed in Sections 65-11-1 through 65-11-37, the State Highway Commission shall prepare and submit to the commissioner of public roads of the public roads administration for approval detailed programs of such proposed projects for the utilization of any apportionment of funds made to the […]
The State Highway Commission is hereby authorized and directed to prepare all necessary surveys, plans, specifications, and estimates for all projects upon county highways, to furnish engineering and technical assistance for the preparation of such surveys, plans, specifications, and estimates, and to supervise the construction of all projects upon county highways under the provisions of […]
All contracts for the construction of projects under the terms and provisions of Sections 65-11-1 through 65-11-37 shall be let and awarded by the state highway commission in the manner and method now provided by law for the awarding of contracts for the improvement and construction of highways on the state highway system; and the […]
If the amount apportioned to any county from federal aid funds for the purposes mentioned above shall exceed the amount made available to such county from state appropriated funds, then the board of supervisors of such county is hereby authorized and empowered, in its discretion, to use and expend any county road and bridge funds, […]
If the board of supervisors of any county notify the State Highway Commission that it refuses to accept the benefits of Sections 65-11-1 through 65-11-37 on the terms and conditions specified therein and in the federal laws, rules, and regulations, or if any county shall fail to submit a description of recommended projects as required […]
Any county may, by resolution of its board of supervisors, request that all or any portion of the moneys available for expenditure in such county from federal aid and state appropriated funds be expended on any state highway in such county which is on the approved system of secondary and feeder roads. In that event, […]
When used in Sections 65-11-1 through 65-11-37, unless the context indicates otherwise: The term “construction” means the supervising, inspection, actual building, and all expenses incidental to the construction or reconstruction of a highway, including locating, surveying, mapping, costs of right of way, and elimination of hazards of railway grade crossings. The term “county highways” shall […]
Any county, acting through its board of supervisors, may enter into an agreement with any other county or counties, or with any road or highway district, or any other public agency for the expenditure of a part or all of the moneys available pursuant to Sections 65-11-1 through 65-11-37 for expenditure in such county or […]
All rights of way for any county highway to be constructed or improved under the provisions of Sections 65-11-1 through 65-11-37 shall be obtained, secured, and paid for by the county in which such highway is located.
All moneys that shall be appropriated for the purposes of Sections 65-11-1 through 65-11-37 shall be paid into the State Highway Fund, as shall all other moneys that shall be paid for said purposes as a result of any other law, state or federal, and all moneys which shall accrue from any other source for […]
All highways constructed under the provisions of Sections 65-11-1 through 65-11-37, including those constructed under the provisions of Sections 65-11-27 through 65-11-31, may be constructed by the State Highway Commission without regard to any group priority of construction which is now or may hereafter be provided by law.
It being recognized that county highways generally have deteriorated to a considerable extent during the past several years, and it being further recognized that the selection, construction, and improvement of a system of all-weather rural secondary, feeder, or farm-to-market roads is a matter of primary state-wide concern, it is hereby declared to be the purpose […]
There is hereby created a system of county federal aid highways, for the purposes of Sections 65-11-1 through 65-11-37, and the county highways which shall comprise and constitute such system shall be selected jointly by the boards of supervisors of the various counties and the State Highway Commission of Mississippi, as same may be supplemented […]
The State Highway Commission shall determine what proportion of the funds allotted to the State of Mississippi for the improvement of secondary and feeder roads under subsection (b), Section 3, of the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1944 [53 U. S. Stat. 838, ch. 626], shall be expended upon the improvement of highways on the […]